Social Media Guide For Network Marketers

Are you a network marketer looking for ways to gain traction on social media? Then you are in the right place at the right time. This page is a guide to help you understand and leverage social media to increase your sales and grow your downline.

8 step guide to social media marketing strategy.

Social Media Guide For Network Marketers

Set 3 S.M.A.R.T. Goals

SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-Bound goals. One Smart goal could be to add 10 customers and 3 new team members in the next month. Or to be making $5000.00 a month by the end of the year. However, it is important to take your goals seriously and not record them to have something on paper. They must be doable and reasonable. Make sure you evaluate them at the end of the week, month or quarter. What goals did you meet? Which ones did you miss? Try to break it down and determine what worked and what didn’t? What could you do differently to meet your goal next time?

Learn Your Audience

Understand who your audience is. For instance it is not productive to market skin care to health and wellness customers. Do some research. Check out what type of posts your potential audience are consuming and model yours accordingly. Try creating your ideal customer. What they like, dislike. What are they looking for that you have the solution to? Is it weight loss, or an opportunity to work from home? Once you figure it out design your content to provide value to that customer. If you can pinpoint their pain points and provide solutions you will never run out of leads.

Research The Competition

Take a look at the different products offered now on social media that compare to what you are marketing. Look at what people are engaging with and go hang out where they are. You should be familiar with your products, ingredients, and methods of action. Understand how your products compare to your competitors and bring out the benefits of your products over theirs. You should also know your companies comp plan. It is hard to promote your opportunity if you don’t know the comp plan.

Look At Which Social Media Platform Works The Best For You

If you are already dedicated to a social platform then stick with it. Stay with what you are familiar with. If Instagram or TIKTOK is your thing then make the most of it and put all of your effort there. What’s working an what’s not? What could you do differently? Which social media platforms resonate the best with your potential customers and team members. How does your social media presence compare to your competitors? Are you building your brand?

Find Your Inspiration

Look at other marketers posts that market in the same niche. Model your posts after those that are getting engagement and following. Your content should always be original to you, however. Plagiarism is not only unethical, it can get your posts banned. You can even do a quiz and ask your followers what kind of content they would like to see you post. You may be both surprised and inspired. The goal is maximum engagement. You want to entice people to follow you and eager to know what you will be posting next. If you can learn this skill then the customers and team members will come to you and you won’t have to be that spammy weirdo chasing after leads ever again.

Create A Social Media Content Calendar

This one activity can save you a lot of time and effort and take the worry out of “what and I going to post today?” Creating a month of posts is so incredibly freeing and productive. Look for ideas on Google or Pinterest. You will be amazed at what is out there available for very little effort.

Test, Evaluate, Adjust

Keep track of your posts and the ones that are getting the best engagement. Play around with different types of posts. Different types of posts such as quiz, questionnaires, funny posts etc. Whatever gets you the best response and adjust accordingly.

Use The 80/20 Rule

You should be posting 80 percent lifestyle based and 20 percent about your business. This is very important. You want people to follow you, not your business. Posting solely about your business actually repels more than it attracts. Most of your content should provide value rather than asking them to buy your product or join your opportunity.

If you can master social media content then you will never have to worry about attracting leads or customers ever again. They will come to you. You need to be a human first, show actual interest in them and their struggles, not just as a potential customer or team members. So take your time, give value and enjoy the process. And if you are interested in jumpstarting your presence on Social Media as a network marketing then check out this link.

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