Grass-Fed Beef Tallow. Benefits For Your Skin.

Feel good in your own skin with natural Grass-Fed Tallow based Purely. We all want to look our best, and the current movement in skin care is trending toward the natural based approach. The benefits of natural grass-fed tallow on the skin are numerous. After all, who wants to put a bunch of chemicals that no one can pronounce on their skin? Particularly on your face. Well this is where this product shines. A natural gold tallow based formula made right here in the United States on a farm in Wyoming. Read on to discover the benefits of this remarkable skin care product. This all natural formula nourishes your skin while helping you to achieve a youthful, wrinkle free complexion.

Grass-fed beef tallow

What is Grass-Fed Beef Tallow?

Beef tallow is made by rendering beef fat, or suet. You know those seed filled suet blocks that you put out in the winter for the birds. They are also made from suet. But unlike suet blocks made for birds, the suet that is rendered for this remarkable cream comes from only restoratively ranched grass fed cows. Tallow from grass fed beef is far superior to that from grain fed cows in following ways.

  • Grass- Fed beef has a whopping 5 times more anti-inflammatory omega 2 fatty acids than that of grain-fed cows.
  • Increased amounts of CLA, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, and Vitamin E
  • Grass-Fed beef also has higher amounts of Vitamin K and omega-3 fatty acids.

Benefits of Grass-Fed Beef Tallow for Skin Care

  • Grass-Fed Beef Tallow has the same PH profile as human skin, so it absorbs easily and provides deep nourishment.
  • Great for reducing the inflammatory processes of acne and rosacea. Promotes skin healing and even skin tone.
  • The Vitamin and Mineral Profile of grass-fed beef tallow plumps your skin and can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Does not clog pores, suitable for all skin types, including acne-prone skin.
  • Promotes cell turn over and protects from sun exposure with a natural SPF of 10.
  • Collagen and Elastin provide structure and elasticity to the skin, helping to maintain firmness and reduce wrinkles and saggy skin.
  • No toxins, phthalates, microplastics or artificial chemicals you cant pronounce

Suggestions for Use

  • Daily Moisturizer: Use as a base moisturizer before applying foundation and as a night time moisturizer.
  • Special Treatments: Great for use on dehydrated flaky skin, skin conditions like eczema or after skin procedures.
  • Natural Beef Tallow has been used for 1000’s of years to sooth, heal and revitalize human skin.

Sourcing and Sustainability

Carter Country Meats uses sustainable farming methods to raise their beef. Methods such as Restorative and Regenerative Ranching allows the beef to feed on natural grass. Once a field has been grazed, it is allowed to completely regenerate and grow. In this way a field is not over grazed resulting in nutrient dense grass for the cows to feed on. This in turn affects the nutrient density of the beef that is raised and in turn the tallow that is rendered in nutrient packed as well. Regenerative agriculture is making a positive impact on soil and ecosystem health as companies dedicate millions of acres to this approach.

The Best Tasting Beef

If you are interested in Natural Nutrient Dense Beef Tallow then you might also like to try some of the beef that the tallow is obtained from. This is high quality Nutrient Dense Beef. The taste of grass fed beef when compared to grain fed is far superior as is the nutrient value. If you want to taste the best beef of your life then you need to check out their website HERE.

There is no going back once you have tried this beef, and it is delivered straight to your door. No more going out to the big box stores only to buy beef that is inferior in both taste and nutrient value. Nourish your health as well as your skin with this grass-fed beef source and your family will thank you.

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