Marketing On Social Media-Choosing a Platform

Ready to try marketing on social media? Choosing the perfect platforms for your business is essential for your success. Social media can help you skyrocket your business and brand once you master the necessary skills. This blog post is all about helping you decide which platforms to use, so lets dive in and learn all about it.

Marketing on social media

Facebook is still the number one platform on social media, with millions of faithful users. Facebook provides a diverse population to market to. Whether you are advertising, posting content that is valuable to potential clients, or trying to build your influence this platform gives you a community upon which to build and grow.

Facebook users are typically 25-34 years of age and baby boomers. Share content with the 80/20 rule. 80% of your posts should be informational, lifestyle based or provide value to your consumers. The remaining 20% should be business and product related. It’s all about building trust and relationships with people, and should not be all about the sales. People will tune out quickly is you do not provide valuable engaging content. Posting before and after normal work hours and weekends has been shown to be effective. Aim to post 1-2 times per day.

Instagram is a visually-oriented platform that is great for showcasing business and products. It’s great for stunning visual effects, short stories and building product loyalty.

Instagram users tend to be 30-40 years of age on average and professionals. Post an average of 3-5 times per week for maximum engagement.

Twitter is a micro-blogging based platform. It is best for businesses that want to share updates, product insights and participate in trending conversations related to marketing their products. Twitter is also great for boosting brand recognition.

The average twitter consumer is 25-34 years of age. They tend to be educated and are looking for content with the latest news items, humor, politics, or educationally based. Post 2-4 times per day. Posts are short lived, so spread them out throughout the day.

TIKTOK is a short form video platform that is rapidly growing in popularity. It’s great for engaging with a younger audience through creative engaging content. This platform also helps with brand recognition, particularly if your post goes viral.

Popular with teens and millennials, entertainment is the game here. Influence marketing, humor and funny videos are king. Posting up to 4 times per day is ideal.

A professional network for those marketing on social media. Perfect for lead generation and sharing industry specific content.

LinkedIn users tend to be 30-40 years of age on average and professionals. Long form content with core values is what people are looking for here. This is a great place to advertise your networking opportunity. Post an average of 3-5 times per week Monday through Friday for the best results.

Marketing on social media has the potential to take your business to new levels. Take the time to research all of the platforms before deciding which one is the best for you. If you are comfortable using Facebook, then it would be prudent to stay with that platform. Likewise, if TIKTOK or Twitter are more your thing them by all means focus your attention there.

It’s all about building a relationship with your audience, no matter where you find them. You can do this by engaging with people, providing valuable content and not bombarding them with your products and opportunity. No one likes spammy content aimed at selling your products or growing your team. developing relationship and trust is what social media is all about.

If you are interested learning even more about Marketing on Social Media, check out the Social Influencers Formula. It has the potential to turn your business around. Click HERE to download.

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