The Network Market Objections Guide

If you are a network marketer, then you have faced your share of network market objections when you are prospecting for new team members. I think that I have heard every excuse in the book, and a few that are not. Overcoming objections to network marketing is a valuable skill that every marketer needs to learn. So lets take a look at a few of the more common objections and ways to overcome them.

Network Market Objections

Network Market Objections
  • I Don’t Have The Time. This is most likely a true statement from your potential team member. They may be a single parent with a full time job. Or taking care of aging parents with little time to themselves. Whatever the problem, it is your job to help them find a solution. Maybe getting up an hour or two earlier, working after the kids or elderly parents are asleep or napping. If you can provide a solution to their time problem many prospects will join you on the spot.
  • No Money To Start. This is a big one. People are afraid. They are fearful that your opportunity is a scam or a waste of their hard earned money. Strategize with them to see if you can help them figure out how to come up with the start up cost. With most companies the costs are minimal to get started. Therefore a simple question like ” So you don’t have $100.00 to invest in yourself and own your own business?” can help open the door to figuring out a way past their fears. Here is where you might share your own fears about getting involved with your business and how you got past it. Be honest. This is someone you will be in a working relationship with and trust is everything.

Additional Objections

  • Who Would I Sell To? I Don’t Know Anyone. Have them take a look at their friends list on Facebook and the number of contacts in their phone. How many people do they know at work and church. Who do they interact with on a regular basis? Dig a little deeper and find out what the real problem is. A lot of people tend to be introverts and need some encouragement to overcome their fear of rejection which is often what they are worried about.
  • I Already Have a Job. Great, but do they LOVE what they do? Do they have the time and financial freedom that comes with a successful network marketing opportunity?. If they love their job then you will probably not be successful in recruiting them into your business. So let them go and move on. Not everyone is cut out to be a business owner. And after all, you want people on your team who are ready to work and be successful, not wishy washy.

Other Excuses and Objections

  • I Am Not Good With Technology. Most people have basic computer skills, and know how to manage the data on their phones well enough. And nowadays, many marketing companies can be operated from a smartphone. You may find yourself teaching your new recruit some basic computer skills, so be patient with them. Make sure they are aware of and participating in your companies training opportunities. If your potential team member knows that you are there for their success, they will more likely want to work with you.
  • It’s A Pyramid Scheme or a Scam. Here is where you need to do your research on the company or business that you are involved with. Unfortunately there are a lot of scams and pyramids out there waiting to take advantage of the unwary. Knowing your companies history and compensation plan goes a long way toward dispelling this concern. It’s up to you to prove your opportunity is not a pyramid scheme or a scam.

Finding Your Ideal Team

Taking the time to learn how to handle network market objections will help you build your dream team. You don’t need extensive knowledge to handle a team. All you need is to be a few steps ahead of them in the process to be a leader. If your team knows that you are there to support them then they will be willing to work hard for you. After all, you make money when they make money, right? Taking the time and opportunity to break down objections to joining your team can give you an idea if this person is someone you will want to have a working relationship with.

I am a network marketer and a blogger. I love what I do and the freedom that it provides. There is no way that I would go back to working a regular “job”. Working for myself is where its at. If you are a self starter who is looking for a work from home networking opportunity then check out this page. You will not be sorry. Above all, keep your head up and keep going. The only way that you will fail for sure is if you don’t put in the effort. Happy recruiting!