Productivity Tips For Work From Home Heroes

When you work from home it can be difficult to stay focused and motivated. Thankfully there are several productivity tips that can help. The aim of this article is to present these tips in an effort to increase your productivity. Working from home can be a big transition for those who have traditionally been in the workforce as employees. Learning to transition into the work from home role is easier for some than others. I myself found it hard to stay motivated and on target. Thankfully there are easy solutions to this problem. Follow along with me as I outline ways to stay focused and on target.

Productivity Tips for work from home

Top Tips For Increasing Productivity

  • Have a dedicated workspace. Whether you choose to work from your desk, kitchen table or your spare room, make sure that you have it set up for maximum efficiency. Your mind should automatically go into work mode when you enter your workspace. You should have everything you need within easy reach. A desktop or laptop computer and printer are must haves as are a wireless mouse and headphones. When choosing your work space, also keep your comfort in mind. An ergonomic chair is a lifesaver.
  • Establish a good morning routine. This is important for your mindset. Get up at the same time everyday. Get dressed. Staying in your pajamas is comfortable but not very motivating. Everything about your morning routine lead up to your workday and being productive.
  • Schedule your day. Taking the time to write down your day helps you focus on the tasks you need to get done that day. Schedule work time, meetings, lunch and break times. Make a list of two or three items that you need to accomplish for the day and it will help keep you on target. I know that if I do not have a schedule to follow I end up getting distracted and not being as productive as I should. Make sure to take your breaks. Giving your brain a rest every once in awhile will boost your productivity.
  • Focus on one task at a time. Multitasking is fine for some things. But I find that when I multitask while working from home I get distracted and don’t get as much done. Focusing on one task at a time will help you concentrate and get finished sooner than trying to do several tasks at the same time.

More Tips

Stay Connected with team mates and co-workers. Collaboration is a big part of being productive. Team meetings, question and answer sessions and simply talking face to face with others during the day all impact our physical and mental well being. The human connection can not be over estimated. If you isolate yourself your productivity will suffer, that all there is to it.

Take care of yourself. Eat healthy, take your breaks and try to work in some exercise. Take you dog for a walk, walk through the neighborhood or exercise during your morning routine. Your mental health is important as well. Read something new, listen to podcasts related to your lifestyle or business. Do a virtual lunch date with a co-worker and catch up on gossip. You get the idea. Sitting at your desk all day staring at a screen is not healthy, break it up.

Focus on your why. Why are you working for your company. Are you an entrepreneur who owns their own company. What are your goals? If you don’t know your why you are missing out on an opportunity to grow and progress. My why is my family. I want more for them, to leave a legacy for them that will last long into the future. Essentially my why is time and financial freedom. What is yours? Once you figure out your why your priorities will become clear and you will be able to set your goals accordingly.

Maintain your work-life balance. When you are working from home it is easy to loose your balance between work and daily life. For me it is tempting to overwork. When your office is in your home it is easy to work hours that would be considered overtime in a regular job. You need to be your own advocate, working 16 hours a day is not feasible for very long. Make sure to work in time with your friends and family. The opposite is also true, however. When you are working from home you will need to set boundaries. Just because you are at home does not mean that you are always available. This was a tough one for me.

In Conclusion

Whether you are working remotely or an entrepreneur who owns their own business, productivity is an important factor in your day. Learning to schedule your day and establish regular routines will give you a good foundation in your work from home experience. If you are looking for a work from home opportunity, check out this page on link post blogging. This is an awesome way to earn some extra income, with tons of training and support.