Healthy Weight Loss Strategies

Lets face it. Healthy strategies and weight loss are usually not words that you associate with each other. When I think of weight loss I tend to imagine those fad crash diets that are always coming out, and lose weight fast schemes that never tend to work. For weight loss to be effective, it usually needs to come off at a slow steady pace. Sometimes I fell like I simply don’t have the patience for that. I am looking for somewhere smack dab in between the two extremes and that is what this page is all about.

Weight Loss

If you are like me, you love to eat. Sweet foods are my particular downfall. This can make following a specific diet plan very difficult to stick to.

Just what exactly is healthy dieting? The opinions vary and I am by no means an expert. I am a blogger who tends to be too sedentary and eats to much. But I am also a retired Nurse Practitioner and I can read so after scouring the internet on the subject I have a few ideas to impart. The most important thing is to check with your health care provider before starting any weight loss journey. They can advise you as to any special dietary needs and cheer you on as you go.

I do love to eat, and I tend to resent anyone who tries to tell me what and how I should eat although I am not adverse to any friendly advice. I try to take it day by day and moderate what I eat rather than try and starve myself. That way I don’t get frustrated and have a binge day (at least not as often) . And I have found a delicious creamer that I add to my hot tea in the mornings that boosts my metabolism. You can register here for more information.

What is your motivation for loosing weight? Mine is to look better in my clothing. Are you motivated and able to focus. Do you tend to use food as a crutch? I know that I do. If you are as well, are you willing to learn new ways to cope with stress and boredom? Are you willing to make changes to your eating and activity habits. That’s a difficult one for me. If I want a cookie it’s sometimes easy for me to justify why I should have it.

Taking stock of yourself with the above questions and keeping a food journal can go a long way toward recognizing your weak points when it comes to losing weight. Be honest. If you look back and realize that a specific time or activity is harder for you then take that into consideration and plan your day and your meals accordingly. It’s also important to set a realistic goal for yourself, aim to loose 1-2 pounds per week. Experts agree that this is a safe and effective amount of weight to lose.

  • 4 servings of vegetables a day. Along with important nutrients we need every day vegetables provide fiber which makes you feel fuller faster.
  • 3 servings of fruit a day. Fruit is also chock full of nutrients and fiber. Most fruits are have the added benefit of helping to satisfy your sweet tooth as well.
  • Modest amounts of healthy fats. Olive oil, nut butters and avocados are a few examples. A ripe avocado spread on whole wheat toast is a great way to start the day.
  • Cut back on sugar. This one can be hard, particularly if you eat a lot of processed foods. Sugar is a frequent additive to highly processed product and sometimes masquerades as high fructose corn syrup.
  • Choose low fat dairy products. They don’t taste as good as their full fat alternatives bur contain fewer calories and are better for your overall health.
  • Choose Lean cuts of meats. Everyone loves a fatty sparerib dripping with BBQ sauce, but save it for a special occasion. Choose lean cuts of chicken, fish and pork instead. You can bring out the flavor with spices while cooking.
  • Incorporate exercise into your day. Most of us live are sedentary which is not good for our health or our waistline. Try adding something as simple as a 10 minute walk or park at the far end of the grocery store parking lot.

Using the above strategies and this Awesome Coffee Creamer I have lost 20 pounds over the last two and a half months. I feel so much better. I still tend to want to be a couch potato but I’m working on it. Lets face it, dieting isn’t easy. But if you are motivated I know that you can do it. so what are you waiting for? go ahead and get started today!

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