Beginners Guide To Network Marketing

This is a beginners Guide to Network Marketing. If you are new to to Network Marketing I then you probably have a lot of questions. I know that I did. I am a retired Nurse Practitioner who practiced at a Veterans Affairs facility. About as far away from a work from home business owner that I could get. Entrepreneurship can be tough, and I had no idea what I was getting myself into. But you can have a successful network marketing business as long as you are coachable, able to follow instructions, and really want it. Today I would like to share what network marketing success is all about and hopefully provide a guide and some insight into how to make your business the best that it can be.


It’s all up to you. You are in control of your mindset, no one else can change it for you. Not the company you are set up with, not your upline, not your spouse or kids. Unless you change your mindset you will not be able to create unlimited income. You have to make the decision to invest in yourself and take advantage of coaching, training and overall support. To be successful you will need to let go of “Employee Thinking” and begin to think like an entrepreneur.

What Does it Take For Success

Your Guide to Mindset:

This requires a different mindset, realizing that work is contribution and achievement, not trudgery. You need to be willing to invest your time and money into something that may not earn you a paycheck right away, realizing that’s what it takes to be successful. If you want to achieve amazing results, it helps to have an obsession about making your business work, providing value and contributing to the betterment of the world. Honest effort and confidence on your part also figure into success. You need to BELIEVE that you will succeed. I know that my business did not start to take off until I developed some confidence in myself. It is difficult to motivate others when you don’t believe in yourself.

Guide to Skills:

The right skill set will take you a long way in your business. One of these skills if finding prospects. There are many strategies available to do this, from company provided leads to prospecting on digital platforms and the intent of this article is not to get into how that is done. You can easily research the topic on you tube or google for some great information. Another skill is being able to invite those prospects to look at your opportunity. The company I am under provides scripts for talking with a prospect which is very helpful, particularly when you are just starting out. To read more about this topic check out this page.

You must be able to present your opportunity so that a prospect can look at all sides of it and understand the impact it can have upon their life. This is a skill that you need to share with your team so that duplication can happen. When they make money, you make money. Follow up is also important. Answering questions, overcoming objections and keeping the conversation flowing is important. Not everyone is ready to buy your product or opportunity when they are first pitched to, be ready to have a follow up process in place so that your prospects do not fall in the cracks.

Learning how to close is another skill that beginners must master. I found it helpful to follow some of the Network Marketing gurus on you tube for closing tips. It’s one of those skills that you need to practice at before mastering. Helping someone decide to buy your product or join your opportunity without being a salesy weirdo takes practice and dedication. Learning how to help your team member get started with the least amount of anxiety and friction is also important. Here you can usually lean heavily upon your companies training and materials. Just the knowledge that you are not going to abandon them to the wolves is important to your new team member. If you can duplicate yourself, then you have it made.

Guide to a Winning Strategy

In order to maximize the network marketing opportunity, you must be able to have systems in place that are able to be duplicated by any member of your team. You need systems in place to acquire customers effortlessly. You also need systems in place for inviting, presentation of your opportunity, follow up and training your new team member. Every member of your team should be aware of scheduled meetings and calls with the expectation of attendance. Once your systems are in place and clear for all team members your recruiting should become automatic. Lean on your mentors and leadership in your company. They should be readily available for you.

In conclusion, if you are new in network marketing you are in for a wild ride. Lean into the process and learn as much as you can about your products and opportunity, including the compensation plan. Above all it takes time to learn the process, there are no get rich fast businesses out there. So hang in there and keep your mind open. And if you are looking for a network marketing business then check out an awesome opportunity here.

The Secret to Limitless Prospects in Network Marketing

Are you a Network Marketer looking for new product and customer leads? Well I feel your anxiety and frustration. Coming up with new leads for your Network Marketing Business can be tough. But it doesn’t have to be. In this article I will talk a little bit about how to gain unlimited leads for your products and teams. Below are five steps to create an environment where the leads will come to you, and you will make some great friends along the way.

Network Marketer

Create an active candidate list. List everyone that you know. Yes, even the people you do not particularly get along with or like. You never know who is looking for a Network Marketer Opportunity.

Really think about this. You probably know more people than you realize. Even those aunts uncles and cousins that you hardly ever see. Who cuts your hair or drives your children to school. Most people live in a bubble and do not realize how many people that they really know. When you dig down deep the list will actually amaze you.

Constantly Expand Your List. Look for People You Would Like to Work With in Your Network Marketer Business.

Think about who you meet and connect with on a regular basis. The mailman, your kids teacher, the cashier at your local grocery store. Try to add two or more people to your list daily. Your job is not to try and prospect them immediately however. You need to learn how to become a professional friend maker, building confidence and trust. Once you build a basic relationship with people you may find an appropriate time to approach them with your product or opportunity. No one wants some spammy weirdo chasing after them with your opportunity before they get to know you.

Raise Your Sense of Awareness

Look at the relationships that you have with people in your life. Learn to recognize people that you can create connections with. Social Media is a great resource for you here. Comment on potential prospects posts, make suggestions and provide value to their feed. They will remember you. Become one of those people that others want to follow. Before you know it people will be coming to you. If you actively look for ways to connect with like minded people you will be amazed at number of people to interact with.

Don’t Pre Judge

This one is hard. It is not our place to assume whether someone has enough income to purchase your products or join your Network Marketer Company. The opposite is also true. Just because someone seems to have it all does not mean that they are not looking for a new opportunity. Empty nesters might be looking to supplement their income or stay at home moms a way to help out with family expenses. Your job is to build a relationship with people and figure out the right time to present your products or opportunity. If they say no, it’s no big deal, keep loving on them and they may come around in the future.

Network On Purpose

This takes some time and effort but is worth the work that you put into it. Expand your horizons, volunteer for charities. What kind of hobbies are you into? Find others who enjoy the same thing. Engage in social groups at church, in the community and on social media. Invest into others and they will view you as a person who adds value in their lives. This helps build up know like a trust which is crucial when it comes to a working relationship. Remember, you don’t want just anyone joining your team. You want people who you know something about and trust will work just as hard as you do.

When it comes to adding new customers and leads into you Network Marketer Business, a little bit of hard work can go a long way. The more effort you put into building know like and trust in relationships, the more quality candidates that you will have to choose from. It’s really not much of a secret after all. Once you learn how to attract the right people, you will have all of the leads that you can handle. And wouldn’t that be nice? To learn more about the basics of Network Marketing success check out The Beginners Guide to NW marketing, and Network Marketing Success.

Network Marketing Success

Lets take a look at Network Marketing Success Strategies. If you are reading this blog then you are probably interested in Network Marketing. You may have just begun your journey into Network Marketing or you might be a pro. Regardless of where you are in your journey, lets explore some ways to make your business a success.

Network Marketing

Remember Network Marketing is a Process

Take the time to learn about your companies products and services. You cannot promote what you don’t understand. Take a look at the training process and follow it in the order that it is presented. Remember, you are learning as you are earning. Be persistent and don’t get frustrated.

Work on Improving Yourself

You will need to work as hard on yourself as on your business. If you want to make more, you have to be more and provide value to your customers and team members. Become the best version of yourself that you can be. Work towards being a top level communicator and problem solver for your team. Take the time to listen to motivating mentors and self help gurus. Your attitude is everything. Successful people do what unsuccessful people are unwilling to do. Ask yourself if you would hire you for a position in your company. If not, then go to work to be the person you would be proud to represent.

Treat Your Network Marketing Business as a Job

Statistics show that it takes about 90 days to figure out what you have gotten yourself into once you join a Network Marketing Company. And it take about a year to fully understand the basics of network marketing. From there you move on to getting good at the basics and eventually you are able to excel. Don’t get frustrated. Remember, every network marketer was new to the process at one time and had to learn the ropes. Keep a schedule and work as hard at your business as you would a regular 9-5 job.

Master Your Emotions

You are going to want to quit several times a day. It’s going to be an emotional rollercoaster running everywhere from excitement to exhaustion and frustration. You will doubt yourself, can I really do this? Everyone who starts a network marketing company goes through this process. Remember, you are growing both personally and professionally. Give yourself some slack. Try to recognize the personal growth that occurs when things are not going well. Everything can become a learning process. Ask yourself what is one thing that worked and one thing that didn’t work?

Fully Immerse Yourself in The System

Be sure to participate in company training and conference calls. Many companies provide back office training, weekly calls and group team meetings on Zoom. Keep your team members plugged into the system as well. That way they are not totally dependent upon you. If you can duplicate yourself in one of your team members it will free up a lot of your time and effort.

Associate Yourself With Success

We all become who we hang around for very long. It’s our nature to want to be like each other. If you hang around successful people you will be successful. Associate with driven, uplifting people. Books, audio recordings and social media gurus are also great for your personal development.

Do not Compare Yourself to Other People

No 2 of us are the same. You do not know the circumstances of background of other members of your company who are more successful than you are. Often it is simply that they have been at it longer than you. Comparing yourself to others will just end in frustration. We all have our own journey. As long as you are persistent and focused you will succeed. Follow the system and stay the course.

I hope you got some value from this article. Above all enjoy the process and learn from your mistakes. If you are looking for a network marketing company that provides all of the training you need as well as leads for team members, then you can check it out here. And to read about the basics of Successful Network Marketers click here.