How to Make a Charcuterie Board

Nothing goes better with wine than fruits, meats, and cheeses. And a charcuterie board is the perfect opportunity to enjoy all of the above. I was hesitant to set up my first board because it seemed so complicated and overwhelming. But it really couldn’t be easier. Just follow the steps below and enjoy your own charcuterie board with friends or family. Feel free to diversify with your own ingredient selections, after all, it’s all about having fun and enjoying yourself.

You can use any size or shape of board that you have available. In fact it really doesn’t have to be a board at all if you don’t have one. Any sizeable platter will do just as well. Have fun with it.

Charcuterie Board


  • An Assortment of Cheeses. Choose a variety of different colored. orange, yellow, and white cheeses that range from mild tasting to sharp. Put them on your board either sliced or cubed. You can find most cheeses pre sliced or cubed making it incredibly easy. After all, you want to spend your time with your guests, not on preparation. Estimate about 1-2 ounces of cheese per guest.
  • An Assortment of Meats. Finger food sized portions from a variety of meats work best. You can used cubed meats or add visual appeal with thin slices of meats rolled and arranged on your board. You can even get creative and use cookie cutters if you want more decorative selections. Once more, pre-sliced meats from the deli can make this a breeze. Generally speaking, a decent guideline to go by is three to four slices of beef per person.
  • An Assortment of Bread/Crackers. Whole grain crackers, thinly toasted baguette pieces, or crostini are good options. Look for crackers and breads with texture to add visual appeal.
  • Fresh and Dried Fruits & Nuts – Fresh berries of all kinds add color, texture and flavor. Apple slices, grapes and apricots also add some variety. And don’t forget yummy fresh pineapple. You can also add candied walnuts, pistachios, or a salted combination of nuts for variety.
  • Pickles, Olives, & Dips – Consider both sweet and sour pickles in finger size varieties. A variety of fresh peppers and olives also add a nice touch. Small dishes of mustards and dips can be tucked in among the other goodies for embellishment and additional flavor. Use your imagination, if you like it , chances are that someone else will as well.

Assembling Your Charcuterie Board

  • Let your inner chef come out to play. It’s your board, you can assemble it any way that looks appetizing to you. The best charcuterie boards are topped with an variety of choices that contrast with one another. A delicious meat and cheese board can be put together in essentially any way you like!
  • A good place to begin is with a variety of small bowls filled with different jams/fruits/dips etc. Then Simply arrange the different varieties of meats and cheeses among them. I like to put my fruit on the corners if I am using a square board and then arrange the meats along the sides and cheeses in the middle. It’s all up to you.
  • You can create patterns or use cookie cutters to cut cheese into various shapes and sizes if you feel adventurous. Get your kids involved, they love cutting out the shapes with cookie cutters.
  • Alternate how cheeses are sliced, cubed, or cut, and how meats are piled, rolled, and twisted in different areas of the board for a more visually appealing presentation.

Pre Made Alternatives

The good thing about a charcuterie board is that if you short on time you can always assemble it up to a day in advance and keep it covered and chilled until ready to serve. Dips and spreads should be stored separately in small covered containers until ready to be used.

Once you are done sit back and enjoy your handiwork and get ready for the admiration of your friends and family when they come for your event. Be sure to notice how the food and wine combinations work for future reference. and above all else, Enjoy! Once you make one you will be hooked. A charcuterie board has become one of my favorite go to items for entertaining.

Above all enjoy your wine, food and company. That’s really what it is all about. So go ahead. Release your inner chef (and child). After all, how often do you really get to play with your food? And that’s what this really is , having fun while arranging your board. Enjoy the journey!

Fine Wines Delivered To Your Door

Most likely the wines that you are buying are not True Fine Wines. Unfortunately, most people are not aware of the Truth. You may be Unknowingly Consuming products from Grocery stores, Liquor Stores, or Convenience Markets Without Realizing what you’re actually drinking. Most of these wines are mass produced in huge quantities for distribution. By delving into the world of Fine Wines, you can uncover the incredible flavors and qualities that are available to you. Don’t let the chance slip away to enhance your wine experience and truly appreciate the craft of winemaking.

Ready for the Best Experience with Fine Wines -Click To Start Here

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Fine Wines
  1. Genuinely Excellent Wines. These are wines that difficult to find unless you are dining in a fine restaurant. First off, if you buy them retail, they may get very pricey. $120 or more each bottle. Even while they are very worthwhile, there is a better, more affordable option—which you just saw! All you have to do is Join our Exclusive Wine of the Month Club to receive these Truly Remarkable Wines
  2. Incredible Pairings for those True Fine Wines.
  3. This is where you will discover where the wine and food tastings shine. It’s not going to grow old. It is also ageless and something that Future Generations will carry on. (Discover more Regarding Food and Wine Pairings Below).
  4. With our loved ones by our sides. substitutes for this. Having a romantic “wine event” with your significant other is the first (and most cherished) activity. The second is enjoying a day, an evening, or an afternoon with your loved ones. friends, family, or anybody who enjoys a good bottle of wine.

When the right foods are paired with the right wines, it creates an Absolutely Incredible tasting moment. Wine magic arises when you combine good wine, delectable meal pairings, and true wine with the love of your preferred company.

Wines that Go With This?

Here are some Examples to Use, however you can enjoy this example with any of the True Fines Wines you are about to receive from our Incredible “True Fine Wines” Wine of the Month Club!

You can initially start out with the More Than Muse, or the Tanya Ricord Rose’. This is always a great place to begin. This starts out with the lighter wines progressing to the heavier ones.

  • Tanya Ricord Moscato or
  • Tanya Ricord Pinot Grigio.
  • After that you are ready to Move into the More Than Muse Sauvignon Blanc
  • or More Than Muse Chenin Blanc.
  • Then you can try More Than Muse Chardonnay.
  • After Which you can try the Nile Eddy Pinot Grigio,
  • and Donna Walker Cabernet Sauvignon.
  • In addition to the Linda Horn Cabernet Franc and Ricord Merlot

To transform it into individual plates, just pre-dish the contents and give them to your guests in single servings.

This is perfect for when it’s just the two of you or a small group of you. It also imparts a hint of “Fancy”. And it’s great if you plan to taste a wide variety of wines at your fine wine event!

We’re thrilled to welcome you to our Online Community System! For more information and to explore our benefits, please don’t hesitate to contact us here. We’re here and ready whenever you are. Simply reach out to us for further details.

Wine Magic

There is something to be said about enjoying Fine Wines while in the company of friends and family, This is where true Wine Magic Happens.

The feeling when you combine True Fine Wines with Good Food and Company can’t be compared. But understanding what constitutes Fine Wine is important. It is an indulgence that improves our lives and life experiences. Thankfully we are here to help you understand this subject and find the Products that fit into this important category. Keep reading below for some great information.

Are you prepared to indulge in a top-notch wine experience? Learn How To gain Exclusive Access HERE.

Are you Ready for an Unforgettable Wine Experience – Check it out HERE and Enjoy Exclusive Wine Selections From Limited Vintages of Wine

To truly experience the Magic of Exquisite Wines, you will need the following three items:

  1. True Fine Wines. Understand that these are true fine wines that are only available through this site. These are wine that would cost you upwards of $125-$150 in a restaurant setting. Fortunately, there is a more convenient and cost-effective option available. You can order wine by the case as it is released in exclusive limited vintages. These are True Fine Wines you can enjoy with every occasion in your life.
  2. Explore a Few Exciting Pairings for those True Fine Wines. Pairing the right wines with the right foods leads to tastes and experiences that are absolutely exceptional. And there is no limit to the combinations of food and wine that you can experience. (Please refer below for more information on food and wine pairings). This is where the Tastes of Wine and Food are going to mingle and be Awesome. And it will never, ever get old.
  3. The Company of our Friends, Acquaintances and Loved Ones. Here are two wonderful options for enjoying your fine wine. One option is to, you can indulge in a romantic “Wine Magic Event” with your partner, which we highly recommend doing. Additionally, you can spend some quality time with your loved ones, whether it’s an evening, afternoon, or a whole day. This could be with your family, friends, or even family who are also your friends. Ultimately, the choice is yours!

Wine Magic occurs when you bring together a well-crafted fine wine, delightful food, and the company of those you know and cherish. You create a magical experience that is sure to leave a lasting impression on everyone involved.

To Simplify Things, we’ll take a closer look at it. Here are a few fun notes to keep in mind.

  • A lot of Supermarkets are now offering pre made Options. This is a great time saver and allows you to concentrate more on the Fine Wines you want to serve along with your board.
  • Once you have chosen the Items you want to include on your board, It’s super simple to create create single servings for your guests by pre-dishing them onto individual plates. Or simply let your Guests choose their Own Favorites from those provided. This option is ideal for a small group of friends who want to Elevate their Experience and add a touch of sophistication. It’s especially useful when you’re planning to sample multiple wines during your Wine Magic Event. Everyone’s taste palate is different and this option allows your guests to experience their own personal tasting.
  • Feel free to make this as Big or as Small as you like. Don’t be afraid to be daring and take risks. Or keep it Simple and Easy. Remember, there are no absolute rules to follow, and the food combinations are endless. So just Relax, have a Good Time, and Enjoy the Process to the fullest.
  • You can go Here to see an example of how to make a Charcuterie Board.

We’re thrilled to welcome you to our Online Community System! For more information and to explore our benefits, please don’t hesitate to contact us here. We’re here and ready whenever you are. Simply reach out to us for further details.