
This is a Bio-Hacking Coffee Creamer that Suppresses your appetite while also Increasing your Energy, and Burning that Unwanted Fat. Most of us would like to loose a few extra pounds, and this is a delicious way to do it!


The way coffee and weight loss are currently thought of is totally incorrect.. Simply drinking coffee is not going to help you lose weight, particularly if you use commercial creamers that are loaded with calories. Let’s face it, several attempts have been made. Does it typically work, too? It’s definitely not for everyone, and it won’t last long. Typically, the substances that enable it to function are outlawed shortly after it is introduced. The bio-hacking genus has given us plôs® thermo. You just squeeze this Innovative “SNAP” into your preferred hot or cold beverage and savor the flavor. It’s a non-dairy creamer that works better with caffeine, so if you enjoy a good cup of team, that works as well as a cup of coffee and enhances the flavor.

It’s super easy! You can shed some pounds with the help of a bio-hacking non-dairy creamer. This creamer not only elevates our mood and uplifts our spirits but also has thermogenic properties that help to energize stored fat.

Guess What? This Product can enhance your coffee drinking experience.

Simply enjoy a cup of morning coffee or tea with this bio-hacking non-dairy creamer It is designed to aid you in shedding 10-20 pounds of unwanted fat and inches every month!


Like a lot of people, I have a deep love for good food, wine, and chocolate and consider myself a true foodie. Indulging in pie or cheesecake is sometimes difficult to resist, but I have learned to exercise portion control. By taking plôs® thermo, you can indulge in a goodie or two and not worry about the consequences. You need to try this today!

What I Want is something I refer to as “My Cake”.

We all aspire to start our day with enthusiasm and energy, feeling alert and determined to make a positive impact. Personally, I strive to concentrate on my daily objectives, covering areas such as financial stability, self growth, physical health, and mental well-being.

One of my goals is to have a positive impact on the lives of others. Another goal is to enable people to attain higher degrees of time, financial, and general freedom by assisting them in their career and personal development.

I love savoring exquisite cuisines while spending quality time with my loved ones. The art of food fascinates me and I enjoy relishing it to the fullest. Also, my fondness for Fine Wines is unmatched. It’s a blessing to be able to unwind with a glass of wine at the end of the day, reflect on my achievements, and spend time with my partner. We cherish sharing our day and future plans, including tomorrow, next week, and next month.

If you’re looking for a way to enjoy fine wine (now that you’ve discovered the secret to shedding weight with plôs® thermo), be sure to take a look at our Information Page on the subject.

These are the Side Effects of Indulging in “My Cake” (Before I found my Solution)

Every morning, I wake up with enthusiasm, eager to take on the day. After brewing a fresh cup of coffee and settling in, I strive to pour my heart and soul into making a positive impact on those who surround me. With an aim to spread wisdom and inspire others to be the best version of themselves, I work tirelessly to make things better, brighter, and more fulfilling for everyone I encounter.

In the past, I used to resort to extreme measures to shed off 20-30 pounds at once. However, these methods were never aligned with my preferences and always demanded a lifestyle that was far from enjoyable. As a result, I couldn’t sustain them for long, and the struggle to reach my desired weight continued.

The Solution. is REAL and readily available, With plôs® thermo) you can have your and eat it too.  And the solution was as easy as changing the way I enjoy my morning coffee? This is the only thing that you need to change.

Coffee and Wine come into my life frequently now. In addition, I can share this with everyone around me. It is truly a Wonderful thing. I literally feel like I have found the Magic of weight management. I intend to share this wonderful product with anyone I can and show how it Changes Their Lives.

With our plôs® thermo  – Simply add this AMAZING creamer to your Coffee (or other beverage of choice) in the morning. While you enjoy the taste and flavor; you will also FEEL GREAT and LOSE WEIGHT. These are the Side Effects of me having my cake and eating it to.

Simply drink1 to 2 cups of Coffee with this Amazing plôs® thermo creamer that tastes great throughout your morning. It will make you feel great and give you a lot of energy. Additionally This is proven weight loss that we can add to our favorite coffee!  As always common sense applies. If you Eat sensibly and enjoy a great Dinner (with Wine) throughout the week you will observe significant results. Of course, you can enjoy those fun, “splurges” when the situation arises. In addition, you get to look and feel great – all because of plôs® thermo. And just wait, there are even more great benefit.

  • No need for exercise!
  • No Special Diets!
  • No measuring or counting calories.
  • Your Lifestyle does not need to change.
  • Enjoy this Scientific Wonder that allows us to literally eat cake and lose weight!

Life is difficult and stressful enough.

With our Jobs, Family, and the bills it can become to much sometimes. We do not need to add the stress we are already under by carrying. Sometimes we need We a helping hand, and it is here in the form of plôs® thermo being added to our favorite Coffee (or other favorite beverage) that delivers us the methods to lose the weight. It literally melts away.

Additionally, if you could use some help with the bills; Be sure to check out the Business Side of how we not only lose both the weight, and the debt! Information is available as you get set with your order of plôs® thermo; and you will be able to reach out to me by registering – – – TO THE RIGHT OF THIS ARTICLE ======> to my email newsletter. You can reply straight to me, and we can discuss this further. Or check out our Contact Us Information Page.

Want to ENHANCE your Weight Loss? You need to add the power of Bio-Hacking! Discover it here! It is awesome having this incredible non-dairy creamer plôs® thermo to add to your morning beverage. Furthermore, we have even more incredible “Awesomeness” to help you sleep, feel better, increase your mental focus and mood, as well as to better your hair, nails, skin and so much more.

We’re thrilled to welcome you to our Online Community System! For more information and to explore our benefits, please don’t hesitate to contact us here. We’re here and ready whenever you are. Simply reach out to us for further details.

Beginners Guide To Network Marketing

This is a beginners Guide to Network Marketing. If you are new to to Network Marketing I then you probably have a lot of questions. I know that I did. I am a retired Nurse Practitioner who practiced at a Veterans Affairs facility. About as far away from a work from home business owner that I could get. Entrepreneurship can be tough, and I had no idea what I was getting myself into. But you can have a successful network marketing business as long as you are coachable, able to follow instructions, and really want it. Today I would like to share what network marketing success is all about and hopefully provide a guide and some insight into how to make your business the best that it can be.


It’s all up to you. You are in control of your mindset, no one else can change it for you. Not the company you are set up with, not your upline, not your spouse or kids. Unless you change your mindset you will not be able to create unlimited income. You have to make the decision to invest in yourself and take advantage of coaching, training and overall support. To be successful you will need to let go of “Employee Thinking” and begin to think like an entrepreneur.

What Does it Take For Success

Your Guide to Mindset:

This requires a different mindset, realizing that work is contribution and achievement, not trudgery. You need to be willing to invest your time and money into something that may not earn you a paycheck right away, realizing that’s what it takes to be successful. If you want to achieve amazing results, it helps to have an obsession about making your business work, providing value and contributing to the betterment of the world. Honest effort and confidence on your part also figure into success. You need to BELIEVE that you will succeed. I know that my business did not start to take off until I developed some confidence in myself. It is difficult to motivate others when you don’t believe in yourself.

Guide to Skills:

The right skill set will take you a long way in your business. One of these skills if finding prospects. There are many strategies available to do this, from company provided leads to prospecting on digital platforms and the intent of this article is not to get into how that is done. You can easily research the topic on you tube or google for some great information. Another skill is being able to invite those prospects to look at your opportunity. The company I am under provides scripts for talking with a prospect which is very helpful, particularly when you are just starting out. To read more about this topic check out this page.

You must be able to present your opportunity so that a prospect can look at all sides of it and understand the impact it can have upon their life. This is a skill that you need to share with your team so that duplication can happen. When they make money, you make money. Follow up is also important. Answering questions, overcoming objections and keeping the conversation flowing is important. Not everyone is ready to buy your product or opportunity when they are first pitched to, be ready to have a follow up process in place so that your prospects do not fall in the cracks.

Learning how to close is another skill that beginners must master. I found it helpful to follow some of the Network Marketing gurus on you tube for closing tips. It’s one of those skills that you need to practice at before mastering. Helping someone decide to buy your product or join your opportunity without being a salesy weirdo takes practice and dedication. Learning how to help your team member get started with the least amount of anxiety and friction is also important. Here you can usually lean heavily upon your companies training and materials. Just the knowledge that you are not going to abandon them to the wolves is important to your new team member. If you can duplicate yourself, then you have it made.

Guide to a Winning Strategy

In order to maximize the network marketing opportunity, you must be able to have systems in place that are able to be duplicated by any member of your team. You need systems in place to acquire customers effortlessly. You also need systems in place for inviting, presentation of your opportunity, follow up and training your new team member. Every member of your team should be aware of scheduled meetings and calls with the expectation of attendance. Once your systems are in place and clear for all team members your recruiting should become automatic. Lean on your mentors and leadership in your company. They should be readily available for you.

In conclusion, if you are new in network marketing you are in for a wild ride. Lean into the process and learn as much as you can about your products and opportunity, including the compensation plan. Above all it takes time to learn the process, there are no get rich fast businesses out there. So hang in there and keep your mind open. And if you are looking for a network marketing business then check out an awesome opportunity here.

Functional Scarves With Pockets

Functional Scarves With Pockets are an Enjoyable, Stylish, and Useful option for those moments when pockets are most needed. Enjoy these scarves when you are out and about but don’t feel like or its not convenient to carry a back pack or a purse. They also function to protect you from the weather, while keeping items such as keys and wallets away from prying eyes.

<<< Get Your Fabulous Scarf Here >>>

These scarves are exquisite and ideal for giving or keeping for oneself. They come in a variety, so they are not limited to the colder months. These functional scarves come with pockets that solve the issue many people face when going out and needing to keep their ID’s, phone, keys, wallets or credit, IDs, credit cards secure. This is an incredible invention that you will want to share with everyone!
Functional Scarves
Angela has partnered with Our Online Community to promote these Fabulous Functional Scarves with pockets. Check out the available styles and designs here! She has made numerous media and TV appearances. This scarf is a flexible option that is cozy and distinctive enough to highlight your individuality and sense of style. This is the ultimate accessory for yourself and anyone you care about. Coordinate them with your outfits as you go hiking or out on the town.

Functional Scarves With Pockets Make Fabulous Gifts:

These Awesome Scarves offer a variety of comfort and practical reasons for the ladies in our lives, including mothers, girlfriends, sisters, and even a Plaid one for your man. These are some suggestions for their applications and target audiences, although I ‘ll bet that after you use one of these scarves you could come up with a lot more.
    • Any woman in the World at Large. securing their keys, ID, credit cards, smartphones, and other items.
    • When attending an event or club, use this..
    • Use it at the office or when going out into Public.
    • When out Walking or Using Public Transportation.
    • While travelling in Airports or Bus Stations

Key Points to Be Aware Of:

    • Several Colors and Styles are available for purchase. You can coordinate with all your outfits and styles. There are no limits to the combinations that you can choose.
    • It’s Not just for the Cold Weather. We constantly hear from people how they cannot leave the house without theirs. NO matter what the activity, be it shopping or out on the town, this product is a must have for everyone.
    • Safety and Securely stow your Items within the Pockets, where they are not noticeable to anyone. This is True Function with Multiple Benefits. No one will know that your items are with you unless you let them in on your secret.


We have some great news for you! You can get huge discounts on everything you care about, like food, clothes, car maintenance, insurance, and much more. Click the linked link to view the details we provide to our Online Community. Additionally, keep in mind that you can get more value for your hard-earned money by increasing your spending power with the use of your smartphone. Get your Savings Here

We’re thrilled to welcome you to our Online Community System! For more information and to explore our benefits, please don’t hesitate to contact us here. We’re here and ready whenever you are. Simply reach out to us for further details.

All Things Free

Here at All things Free Stuff we are going to show you some Items that seem too good to be true, but they are not. We have found some excellent free resources for you to take advantage of. This place is so great that you really need to discover it for yourself. You really need to check out the Free Bitcoin program. Yes it is Real. Yes it Works . And it’s enough to make note of . In addition we have an Exciting Opportunity I am going to tell you about below at the bottom of Page:

Free Apps: Here you will find some free apps that have multiple benefits from saving on gas to money back when you buy your groceries. If you are looking for a way to save, and maybe even make a little extra cash then you are in the right place. There are also some Incredible financial apps as well. Check out these Awesome Apps today.

All Things Free Stuff

FREE BITCOIN:  Yes this is true, and yes it is real. You can get free bitcoin just for registering. After that your smartphone or computer becomes a bitcoin making machine using the “Smart Miner App. As bitcoin continues to increase in value, this app becomes more valuable as well. This is something that you will want to take a look at.  Get in on the Bitcoin Craze Here:

FREE MONEY: The Steps detailed under this link need to be taken in order to acquire this. Since you did not have to pay for it, it is truly “free” money. However, you can only access it if you’re a member of an Incredible Community. Author and philanthropist, Rory Rickard is connected with this. It’s always great to get free stuff, but free income is even better. View the Specifics Right Here. Discover the Details Here.

Use this 20.00 Life Hack to Save Hundreds on Monthly Expenses! This might as well be free when you consider how much you can save on your existing expenses. With this MEMBER ONLY program, you can compare your rates on fixed expenses and necessities like auto, home, and even medical insurance. Most people save hundreds to thousands a month, check out the savings calculator to maximize your savings. Additionally, this hack can help you earn some extra cash in your pocket. Discover the details and begin here:

Free items are highly sought after and can be difficult to come by. However, it’s here with us. Check out the FREE MONEY page by clicking the above link if you’re looking for extra money or if you’re merely in a dead end job. If you can take initiative and be able to learn, then this is an amazing opportunity. With little investment, begin receiving money in as little as two to three weeks. “TO GOOD TO PASS UP OPPORTUNITY” describes this.

Our Online Community has opportunities to try some great products. You can also get a lifetime supply of “Complimentary Products” by recommending friends, family, coworkers, etc. to other product users. We enjoy sharing those. Check out the WINE-MAGIC page as an illustration of this. It is also something that has the potential to produce “Better Than Free” circumstances.

Education and Career Development

Our Focus is on Education and Career Development for the Betterment of our Nations, an Important Issue Facing us Today. It is no secret that the education system has been lacking worldwide, but rather than simply accepting this fact, we aim to provide practical solutions. Our offerings range from K-12 education to graduate learning and career development. We are continuously working on expanding our options to ensure a progressive and effective solution.


Brainfood is the Best Home School Program: This is a Solution for Global Learning that Meets the Needs of Education Now and in the Future. The Traditional Brick and Mortar based Schooling system No Longer Suffices. An Awesome group of Entrepreneurs and Philanthropists have Collaborated to Develop an Alternative. This is “The Best Way” – to educate both the Youth and Adults of our world. This innovative approach elevates Virtual Schooling to New Heights, bridging the gap between home and traditional schooling for the best possible outcome. Get the details about starting with this Awesome Home School Solution Here:

PBS Performance Blogging System: This Awesome Program offers more than just a means of Generating Online Income. It provides Education and Continuous Learning for a Thriving Career in Online Marketing. It’s part of a Dynamic and Expanding Global Online Community that collaborates to achieve both Financial and Time freedom. What appears to be a simple program for making money on the internet is, in fact, a Comprehensive Resource for Wealth Creation in the Modern World. As the world evolves, so must our approach to building wealth. Learn the details on how to get started here:

Teach From Home And Get Paid Your Worth: If you are a Teacher or know Someone who Is, you Must Take a Look at This. There is a combination of technology and experience that has come together to Solve Education. And with it, the issue of teachers being paid less than what they are worth is solved as well. And as a result, everything changes here and now. This is the Solution that the Education System all over the world needs Discover how you can become a Part of This Here:

Tutoring A Plan for Online Success. Online tutors can help your students excel in their academic pursuits. Studies show that tutors improve a students grades, study habits and self esteem. In addition, you can register for more information regarding the opportunity for a tutoring career can be found here. Help shape the future of education.

Whether you are a student or a teacher, this page is relevant to you. As future leaders of our Nation, our youth need an education that is up to the task. Similarly the Instructors who teach our students play a tremendous part in that education. Parents, are you looking for an alternative to the traditional school based educational system that does not allow you to have a say in your child’s education? Then this is where you need to be, where teachers and parents collaborate for the best possible education of our youth.

And teachers, are you also looking for an alternative to the current school system. Perhaps a career in home schooling via the internet is the right choice for you.

All Things Education and Career Development allows for the education of our youth to be prepare them for leadership and options for their future. We focus on the proven training and learning paths that help to ensure a successful part of society. Because of All Things Education and Career Development, we are a part of the solution. We need to Inform the World and let them know that these programs exist. And you can always  CONTACT US  to gain access to more details


Arts and Entertainment is all about some Amazing Discoveries that make our lives tastier, better and more fulfilled. Here you will find some Amazing items that will make your entertaining needs seem effortless.

Entertaining Gifts and Supplies: We all find those moments in our lives where we are faced with Arts and Entertaining. And it is always so much easier if you have just the right entertaining gifts and supplies. Well we have you covered in that regard. We’ve found a fantastic website that’s perfect for those people who are difficult to shop for, as well as finding items for your own entertainment needs. No matter what the occasion, you can find what you need here. This is where you will find that one fun item that everyone is talking about after your entertaining event has ended. Then you can share your secret and tell them all about our Fabulous Site: Discover the Fun and Excitement located in Entertainment with the Gifts and Supplies Here:

Nutrient Dense Beef: When it comes to mealtime there’s nothing quite like the taste of High-Quality Beef. And when it comes to the food we put on our table, it’s difficult to overcome the satisfaction of a Great Beef Meal. However, it’s important to note that not all beef is not created equal. Grocery store meats often contain additives to increase their flavor and weight, but the beef you’re about to discover is different. It’s raised and fed in a Natural, Nutrient-Dense way that you will appreciate. This is something that’s important for you and your family’s health. You won’t regret choosing this option – your taste buds will thank you. And you don’t even have to go the grocery store; it’s delivered right to your front door. Go here to get some of this tasty nutrient-dense beef directly from the source.


Wine Magic:  Good Fine Wine is a must when Entertaining, and with the right circumstances Wine Magic Occurs. Fine wine can be the element that takes a meal or occasion from just ok to fantastic. Here we have true Fine Wines that are available to you with “Direct-To-Consumer” orders only. You will not find these are wines at your grocery store or neighborhood liquor store. These wines are the Truly Fine ones with all the health advantages that they convey. Wine the way it should be. In addition, there is always a lot to learn when it comes to Fine Wine. We enjoy enlightening you about wine as you start on this incredible journey of Fine Wine discovery. View this insightful essay and learn more about Fine Wines. Discover the Wine Magic in your Life Here.

Entertaining Gifts and Supplies

Entertaining Gifts and Supplies

Hello, and welcome to Entertaining Gifts and Supplies. This is a place where you will find unique products that are a must have. Some of us like to entertain more than others, but no matter what type of entertainer you are we have you covered.

We also have your back if you are looking for a gift for that person who likes to entertain but seems to have one of everything. You will find something for everyone on your list here. These items make wonderful mothers and fathers day gifts, as well as gifts for other occasions such as birthdays or holidays. If you need some inspiration for gift giving, you are in the right place.

One thing you will probably notice is there are a lot of gadgets and tools related to a great wine drinking experience. Wine and entertaining are often enjoyed together. However, there are some unique items here that cater to every entertainers needs. And we are always looking for the latest must have item to add to the collection, to add to the variety of unique options available.

We Suggest that You browse this vast category of entertainment gifts and supplies until you find just the right item that you didn’t know you needed until you see it. You will be amazed at the selection and the prices! So go ahead and stock up.

Here are just a Few of the Occasions we know you will want have the perfect gadget or tool on hand for.

  • Parties of All Kinds. Whether planned for or spontaneous , parties and celebrations are a part of life that we love. Our lives tend to busy, and having awesome entertaining gifts and supplies on hand for gift giving can help us feel prepared at all times. You can be the entertainer of the year simply by being prepared with Awesome Entertaining Gifts and Supplies.
  • Christmas or Religious Events. We all love to give and receive gifts during the Holidays each year. And Unique Toys are usually a big part of that for those of us who have kiddos. It’s aways great to prepare ahead, as we know that Holiday schedule becomes hectic when buying at the last minute. One of the best things I have done over the years to make the Holidays less stressful is to buy gifts well in advance. That way we have the perfect gift for our loved ones long before the day of the event arrives.
  • Those Unforeseen Occasions. It seems like something unforeseen is always popping up at the last minute. This is particularly true when it comes to events like children’s parties and gatherings, where there is little time to prepare. However, having Gifts on Hand for all ages can make this process much easier. No need to rush to the store at the last minute, you already have it tucked away for just such an occasion.

Now a Little Bit About Entertainment

Entertaining Gifts and Supplies

Sometimes, it’s the small out of the ordinary items that leave the biggest impression. The unique items found In entertainment, gadgets and supplies can make all the difference.

It’s always fun to have that item that everyone is talking about when your event is over and done with. We will leave it up to you whether you share your source or not. You can keep it a secret or share with your friends and family where to get their own unique entertaining items.

This is a page that you will want to visit often, as new things are being added all the time. Here you will discover unique and helpful items that you cannot do without. These are items that you’ll wish you had discovered years ago.

There is always so much to be grateful for. Thanks to the internet and Online Shopping, we can plan our purchases even better, saving both time and money. Particularly for those pre-planned events and gift giving opportunities. We like to think of this site as being in the perfect place at the perfect moment.

Above all else have fun looking over the site and shopping. Make your next event memorable and enjoy the fun and companionship of friends and family members.

We’re thrilled to welcome you to our Online Community System! For more information and to explore our benefits, please don’t hesitate to contact us here. We’re here and ready whenever you are. Simply reach out to us for further details..