Healthy Weight Loss Strategies

Lets face it. Healthy strategies and weight loss are usually not words that you associate with each other. When I think of weight loss I tend to imagine those fad crash diets that are always coming out, and lose weight fast schemes that never tend to work. For weight loss to be effective, it usually needs to come off at a slow steady pace. Sometimes I fell like I simply don’t have the patience for that. I am looking for somewhere smack dab in between the two extremes and that is what this page is all about.

Weight Loss

If you are like me, you love to eat. Sweet foods are my particular downfall. This can make following a specific diet plan very difficult to stick to.

Just what exactly is healthy dieting? The opinions vary and I am by no means an expert. I am a blogger who tends to be too sedentary and eats to much. But I am also a retired Nurse Practitioner and I can read so after scouring the internet on the subject I have a few ideas to impart. The most important thing is to check with your health care provider before starting any weight loss journey. They can advise you as to any special dietary needs and cheer you on as you go.

I do love to eat, and I tend to resent anyone who tries to tell me what and how I should eat although I am not adverse to any friendly advice. I try to take it day by day and moderate what I eat rather than try and starve myself. That way I don’t get frustrated and have a binge day (at least not as often) . And I have found a delicious creamer that I add to my hot tea in the mornings that boosts my metabolism. You can register here for more information.

What is your motivation for loosing weight? Mine is to look better in my clothing. Are you motivated and able to focus. Do you tend to use food as a crutch? I know that I do. If you are as well, are you willing to learn new ways to cope with stress and boredom? Are you willing to make changes to your eating and activity habits. That’s a difficult one for me. If I want a cookie it’s sometimes easy for me to justify why I should have it.

Taking stock of yourself with the above questions and keeping a food journal can go a long way toward recognizing your weak points when it comes to losing weight. Be honest. If you look back and realize that a specific time or activity is harder for you then take that into consideration and plan your day and your meals accordingly. It’s also important to set a realistic goal for yourself, aim to loose 1-2 pounds per week. Experts agree that this is a safe and effective amount of weight to lose.

  • 4 servings of vegetables a day. Along with important nutrients we need every day vegetables provide fiber which makes you feel fuller faster.
  • 3 servings of fruit a day. Fruit is also chock full of nutrients and fiber. Most fruits are have the added benefit of helping to satisfy your sweet tooth as well.
  • Modest amounts of healthy fats. Olive oil, nut butters and avocados are a few examples. A ripe avocado spread on whole wheat toast is a great way to start the day.
  • Cut back on sugar. This one can be hard, particularly if you eat a lot of processed foods. Sugar is a frequent additive to highly processed product and sometimes masquerades as high fructose corn syrup.
  • Choose low fat dairy products. They don’t taste as good as their full fat alternatives bur contain fewer calories and are better for your overall health.
  • Choose Lean cuts of meats. Everyone loves a fatty sparerib dripping with BBQ sauce, but save it for a special occasion. Choose lean cuts of chicken, fish and pork instead. You can bring out the flavor with spices while cooking.
  • Incorporate exercise into your day. Most of us live sedentary lives which is not good for our health or our waistline. Try adding something as simple as a 10 minute walk or park at the far end of the grocery store parking lot.

Using the above strategies and this Awesome Coffee Creamer I have lost 20 pounds over the last two and a half months. I feel so much better. I still tend to want to be a couch potato but I’m working on it. Lets face it, dieting isn’t easy. But if you are motivated I know that you can do it. so what are you waiting for? go ahead and get started today!

We’re thrilled to welcome you to our Online Community System! For more information and to explore our benefits, please don’t hesitate to contact us here. We’re here and ready whenever you are. Simply reach out to us for further details.

Tutoring, a Plan for Online Success

Tutoring can come into a students life through a multitude of avenues. But no matter how it is initiated, it is a powerful tool. Expert tutors have the ability to affect a students life, helping them succeed in academics as well as personal growth. If you are an educator looking for an online opportunity to reach out and help students succeed and excel then you are in the right place. Lets take a look at some of the ways that a tutor impacts a students life.


Some students find themselves struggling to learn in a large classroom where a teachers attention is necessarily on the group of students rather than the individual. Parents may feel that they are inadequate to assist a child with school work or may not have the time to help their child. Certain subjects like math are areas where a student may struggle, and a personalized tutor can provide that one on one interaction that they need to excel.

  • Bolsters academic achievement. A personal tutor can help a student strengthen their academic skills, providing a good base for learning.
  • Nurtures Confidence. A student who is struggling may feel like they are inadequate in the classroom. A tutor can help them feel confident as they build the skills necessary for academic success.
  • Improves Grades. One one on one instruction with an expert tutor is proven to improve the grades of a student that has been struggling to learn new concepts or material. As they work with a tutor they are able to understand the material and thus improve their grades.
  • Nurtures a love for learning. As a student progresses with a tutor they learn that they can succeed in school and many find a love for learning along the way.
  • Encourages good study habits. Learning to set time aside for studying school work is a valuable skill that will follow the student throughout their academic career.

I grew up in the 1960’s and was extremely nearsighted. No one realized this until I started the first grade. My teacher told my parents that I was “a little slow”, I was not able to learn like the other students in my class. I remember the psychological, physical and hearing testing that soon ensued. Finally someone tested my vision and found that I was not able to see the teacher or the black board clearly. One pair of cat-eye glasses later and the whole world came into focus. I could actually see who was talking to me and read what was on the chalkboard!

What ensued after that was my enrollment into “Special” classes for students that were not keeping up. There were only five or six other students in this class and two tutors who gave us all the personalized attention we could use. I learned to love reading and spent countless hours in the library reading books like Charlottes Web and Pippi Longstocking. While I have never excelled in math, I was able to grasp the concepts and catch up with the other first grade students. I will never forget those tutors who helped me learn the basics and gave me the confidence that I could do the school work as well if not better than the students around me.

  • Easy Access to Tutors. Online tutoring has the advantage of access to a large diverse pool of tutors world wide.
  • Benefits Students in Remote Areas. Students in remote areas may not have access to tutors in their area. Online instruction with a live tutor can solve that problem easily.
  • Flexible scheduling. Students can access their tutors on a schedule that is convenient for them, learning from home or wherever computer access is available.

Sharpen Teaching Skills. As a tutor you improving your communication and problem solving skills as you interact with students and parents.

  • Build Professional Networks. Access to new networking opportunities around the world as you interact and build relationships with teachers globally.
  • Personal Growth and Fulfillment. Tutors feel a strong sense of contribution to education.
  • Flexibility. The ability to set your own schedule is a key to success.
  • Get Rewarded for Your Knowledge. As an online tutor you can be compensated for your expert knowledge. Get paid what you are worth.

If you are interested in tutoring, Then you are in the right place. Either as the parent of a student who could use an expert tutor for their child. Or are interested in becoming a tutor, looking for new opportunities to excel then we have an excellent platform for success. It’s called Brainfood Academy. This is a K-12 online home school program that is in place to help solve some of the current issues with our educational system And Kindergarten is always free. You can learn more about it HERE.

Crazy For Cats

I have always been crazy for cats. Even as a small child my passion for cats was always there even though my dad was a dog guy. We had a cat for awhile that lived nearby the house and I was able to love on it, but it wasn’t mine. It was an independent creature, however as many cats are. She only wanted to receive affection on her terms. Cats are funny that way. They can drive you crazy wanting attention or treat you with total disdain.


The First Significant cat in my Life

She came into my life as a tiny ball of fur. It was love at first sight. A gift from my dad for my 12th birthday, she was creamy white with dark face, ears, paws and tail and gorgeous blue eyes. My first of many Siamese, and I named her Ming. Ming was sweet and loving, going everywhere that I did and getting into lots of trouble. She had a thing for my socks. Ming could get her clever little paws into the edge of my sock drawer and open it. I had socks with holes in them for years where she had dug them out and chewed on them.

As Ming grew into a beautiful Siamese cat, we became inseparable. She went everywhere that I did and would be waiting for me at the top of the stairs when I got off of the bus from school. Unfortunately she got out of the house once and a dog bit her breaking her tail. I was so upset and cried for days but she appeared to heal well. Later however, when we had her bred there was a problem. She went into labor but was unable to pass the kittens due to her tail being crooked. A vet removed four fat little Siamese babies from her and she recovered well but I was crushed.

A Trip Across Country

Later my parents divorced and we moved from Washington State to Tennessee. Ming rode in the back of the truck (It had a camper top on the back} all the way. Once there we moved into a trailer where she got out again. I was never able to find her and it broke my heart. To this day I wonder where she got to. I hope that someone found her and took her in. The alternative is too painful to think about.

A Succession of Cats

Since I was twelve I have owned a cat of one type or another. Clem was a blue point Siamese. He was very laid back but had stinky feet. Clem was the only cat I have every owned that loved getting a bath for those stinky feet. He actually enjoyed the whole bathing process from shampooing to towel drying. He went with me when I married an army man and went to reside outside of Fort Campbell Kentucky. There he got into a fight with another male cat and died. I was again heart broken. Determined not to have any more cats because the heartache is so real when they die.

My resolve lasted for two years. Then I started looking for a kitten again. I found a litter of Siamese kittens outside of Seattle Washington where my husband and I lived for awhile. When I went to pick one out, I found two brothers wrestling with each other and fell in love instantly. They both went home with me, King and Prince. They were little stinkers when they were little, climbing curtains and making messes. King was a hunter and would show up at the door with his cheeks puffed out and bird feathers stick out of his mouth. He would try to bring his prey into the house and destroy it, showing me what a good provider he was. I quickly learned to check him before he came in. Otherwise there was a bird or a garden snake loose in the house and mayhem ensued.

A Little Kitten named Foo

Foo was a tiny Siamese kitten that fit in the palm of my hand. She was the runt of the litter and the vet tried to get me to put her to sleep. She weighed a whole 8 ounces. He said she “wasn’t right” but could not tell me exactly what the difficulty was with her. She was definitely not very smart and never got very big but my heart could not stand the thought of never giving her a chance. Foo lived about 10 years, and I loved her dearly. She was a one person cat, as they often are, and was very grumpy but that made her even more loveable to me.

Skip ahead with me many years to where I am now. I adopted two feral kittens that are my current fur babies. Bess is a dark shorthair and her sister is, you guessed it, a Siamese named Cassie. I have no idea how three dark colored cats and one Siamese came from a dark momma cat but they did. Bess is the undisputed boss, she beats up on her sister for getting affection. Cassie is the sweetest cat on the earth, always wanting to be where I am.

A Cat named Smokey the Bear

About a year ago I was working at Walmart when a customer came in with a cardboard box. When I looked into the box a tiny gray face stared back at me and hissed. I fell in love. This kitten was so tiny, I initially called him Itty Bitty Kitty. I soon named him Smokey the Bear for his gray fur and has grown to be huge, I believe that he has some Maine Coon in him.

He has very large ears, a broad head and a huge fluffy tail. He is also a complete stinker, getting into everything. My other two cats were very upset, especially the boss, Bess. I could tell by her face. “What is THAT, and what is it doing here? It took about a month but she is okay with him now. They are not best buddies by any means but they tolerate each other which is okay. Bess puts him in his place every once in awhile.

Smokey has anxiety and zips around the house at about 100 miles per hour. Thankfully I have found a solution that you can read more about here for your anxious pets. It has been shown to greatly reduce anxiety and have a calming effect upon your pets. I can tell you that it works for both Bess and Smokey, they wear one on their collars.

The Expenses of Cat Ownership

Everyone knows that owning a pet is expensive. The cost of food and upkeep are almost up there with that of humans these days and so is vet care. Fortunately there is a solution for the vet care. Here is a source where you can find low cost pet insurance and have a vet on call 24 hours a day via your computer. I know that for me nothing is too good for my furry children.

They occupy a special part of my heart and I don’t know what I would do without them in my life. I will most likely always have a cat in my life. They are special little creatures, each with their own personalities. I don’t know that I would recommend three however, unless you enjoy a little mayhem in your life. But overall, enjoy your fur babies because they are only here for a short while. Love them while you can

Top Cash Back

Cash Back
  • Through the use of it’s cash back app and browser plugin, TopCashback provides cash back for purchases that you make online. You can get cash back when you make purchases from a participating business. With more than 7,000 partner stores, customers may earn points in a multitude of ways.
  • You can get cash back on your purchases by using the browser extension or the mobile app. When you browse through the offers and select a cash back deal that is available, the app will take you to the retailer’s website, and you simply shop.
  • The return rate offered by the business and your shopping habits determine how much cash back you receive. The more you buy, the more you can earn. Once you have a $10 balance, you can cash out your earnings. There are several choices available for payout.

Benefits of This Cash Back App

  • It costs nothing. The app TopCashback is totally free, and that’s my kind of price. You don’t have to worry about monthly fees or costs associated with cashing out the points you have earned.
  • Generous rates of return on investment. TopCashback claims to provide its users 100% of the commissions it earns, in contrast to other apps. As a result, your points add up fast. Although cash back rates differ from shop to retailer, it’s common to find rates as high as 10% or higher. I routinely find offers of 10% or higher cash back on this app.
  • Includes over 7,000 stores. More than 7,000 stores are featured in this free cash back app. With that many stores represented, it is hard to not find savings somewhere.
  • Browser extensions and mobile apps. TopCashback has two ways to save. If you would rather shop with your phone, you can use the iOS or Android mobile app. There are browser extensions for Chrome, Edge, and Firefox if you would rather buy on a computer. I tend to use both, it just depends upon where
  • Use the included discount codes to save money. This is more than just a cash back app. You can also find coupon codes suggested by the app to help you save money on your purchases. . This is a fantastic method to cut costs on your upcoming shopping trips. It makes sense to check out the app and make your shopping lists based upon what is available for cash back.
  • Earn money by introducing friends. Additionally, you can earn a cash bonus for sharing the app with. By providing your link for reference to friends and family you can earn $10 for each sign up. That’s cash that is unlimited and can add up fast.
  • Opportunities for bonus payouts. TopCashback offers chances for bonus payouts. Gift cards are one of the compensation ways that include an added incentive. You can get a 1% to 5% cash back incentive added to your rewards by selecting one of these payout options. Depending upon your payout amount this could really be a big bonus.

What Needs Improvement With This Cash Back App.

After using this app for several months I found the following disadvantages

  • There is a minimum payout for several payout types.
    Certain payment choices have minimum thresholds, even if TopCashback doesn’t have a set minimum payout level for all payout methods.
  • Once you have at least $0.01 in your savings or checking account, you can request a PayPal payout or bank transfer. However, in order to use alternative payout types, you must first accrue more earnings.
  • The minimum payout amount for Amex rewards cards is $10, the minimum payout amount for Visa rewards cards is $5, and certain gift cards have minimum payout levels from $1-$10. If you are looking for a quick way to earn some cash back than this is probably not the app for you.

Overall this is a great app for receiving cash back on items that you were already planning on buying. You might as well earn cash back while you shop for what you need. The old saying that “A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned” is so true. And those pennies really do add up. You can also double dip by combining the TopCashBack and Rakuten and Ibotta Apps to maximize your cash back. A win win in anyone’s book.

We’re thrilled to welcome you to our Online Community System! For more information and to explore our benefits, please don’t hesitate to contact us here. We’re here and ready whenever you are. Simply reach out to us for further details.

Welcome To Your Lori’s Fabulous Finds. Your Online Community

Welcome to my website which is a part of an Awesome Online Community. My name is Lori and I am excited to share it with you. Being a part of this community is like belonging to a large family. A family where everyone contributes to the success of it’s members. Here you will find some great Informational Pages geared to share insight and knowledge. You will also find some great products that will enhance you life and well being. This is an Awesome place to be and you will be glad that you stopped by.

Here you will find Information that covers a wide range of topics. And as we grow you will find new and interesting topics in the future, limited only by ones imagination. So make sure to bookmark this website so that you can stay informed. Register to the right of this page to receive email alerts when we have new Exciting Opportunities and topics that we want to share with you.

If you are like me, you want to know how to get the most out of a website. With that in mind, we have outlined a few steps you can take below to do just that.

Firstly, here at our Online Community you will discover new and interesting items and topics that are as refreshing as they are innovative and new. You will also find article pages that cover a variety of topics that are relevant to your everyday life. In addition, you will also discover a marketplace filled with unique items that have been developed through science as well as creative solutions to everyday problems that you face daily. It would be impossible to list all of the new items available on the internet today, there is a constant supply of products and services that grows by the minute. It is my intent to present you with some of the best of these items for your pleasure.

Simply fill out the form to the right of this article. Do not be concerned that you will bombarded with unwanted emails, ever. We respect your privacy. This is simply our way of staying connected with you and bringing you the latest products and services. Your information is kept in the strictest of confidence and will never be sold or given out. It will kept private and only be used to update you on the features and benefits of our online community. You will want to be the first to know about new products and services, and this allows us to keep you informed.

You will be amazed when you discover what is in store for you as you explore this site. Here you will find Out online community is vast and amazing. It provides necessary services, product and information on a multitude of subjects. However, it is still necessary to communicate directly with you about anything regarding this website. If you have an interest in our Awesome Online Community we need to talk with you directly. Simply contact us and we will have the privilege to call you and and share any thought or concerns that you may have. You have the option to become involved in our Online Community as much or as little as you would like. Simply let us know the best way to help you.

Above all enjoy the time that you spend with us here at Our Online Community. We are here to provide you with a fantastic and informational experience. Come back and check us out often for updates and new content. We are always looking for ways to enhance your experience on our websites, so feel free to reach out with any comments or concerns.

Benefits For You as a Part of this Online Community

The Benefits of being a part of our Fabulous Online Community are really too numerous to list. But we are excited to share a few of them .

Benefits For You as a Part of this Online Community
  • Your Source for some of the Best Things that can be found online. Our Online Community has been providing awesome products and services for over sixteen years. We are a Family Community of Thousands , and the larger our community gets, the more we have to discover and share with you. Our goal is to uplift and improve peoples lives in any way that is in our power. Bigger and better things are on the horizon!
  • Access to Different Types of Income Streams. I was looking for an opportunity to work from home when I found this Online Community. Since I became involved my life has changed for the better in many ways. Working from home gives me the freedom to work when and where I want to. As long as I have my computer, I have my office with me. We offer meaningful revenue sources through proprietary connections only available here. This is not a one size fits all, and not your regular “job” that you may be accustomed to . This is a chance to own your own business and be your own boss. Opportunities are available at part time and full time levels. By partnering with our Online Community you well have access to a wide array of products and income making opportunities.
  • Income Programs that create income for the whole family. There are programs that generate income and we have them here. These programs benefit the whole family through time and financial freedom. When you work for yourself you can set your own schedule and make more time to spend with your family. And who doesn’t want that? And don’t forget to inquire about our $1000 per month program available to our Community Members. This in itself can solve many financial issues. This program has been a big blessing for me. That extra income is great for paying off bills and reducing debt. Be sure to fill out a registration form here to learn more.
  • Be the first to know about new opportunities and services. We have access to products and services that the general public does not always know about. Being in the know when something amazing is released is awesome .
  • Join the World’s Biggest “Pay It Forward” Community Today. We are all about spreading the word and “Paying It Forward”. You can be involved in resolving global issues as well as the betterment of families around the world. When you experience being part of this Incredible Online Community gives you the opportunity to help others at the same time you are improving your life.
  • Be your own boss and make your own schedule. There is nothing like the freedom to make your own schedule and decide how much time and effort you want to put into it. Spend more time doing the things you want to, not what someone else tells you to do as your boss.

Above all enjoy the time you spend here in out Community. We strive to find unique and interesting items for your perusing pleasure. And as part of our Online Community Family you will experience unparalleled support and assistance. Consider joining us today.

How to Make a Charcuterie Board

Nothing goes better with wine than fruits, meats, and cheeses. And a charcuterie board is the perfect opportunity to enjoy all of the above. I was hesitant to set up my first board because it seemed so complicated and overwhelming. But it really couldn’t be easier. Just follow the steps below and enjoy your own charcuterie board with friends or family. Feel free to diversify with your own ingredient selections, after all, it’s all about having fun and enjoying yourself.

You can use any size or shape of board that you have available. In fact it really doesn’t have to be a board at all if you don’t have one. Any sizeable platter will do just as well. Have fun with it.

Charcuterie Board


  • An Assortment of Cheeses. Choose a variety of different colored. orange, yellow, and white cheeses that range from mild tasting to sharp. Put them on your board either sliced or cubed. You can find most cheeses pre sliced or cubed making it incredibly easy. After all, you want to spend your time with your guests, not on preparation. Estimate about 1-2 ounces of cheese per guest.
  • An Assortment of Meats. Finger food sized portions from a variety of meats work best. You can used cubed meats or add visual appeal with thin slices of meats rolled and arranged on your board. You can even get creative and use cookie cutters if you want more decorative selections. Once more, pre-sliced meats from the deli can make this a breeze. Generally speaking, a decent guideline to go by is three to four slices of beef per person.
  • An Assortment of Bread/Crackers. Whole grain crackers, thinly toasted baguette pieces, or crostini are good options. Look for crackers and breads with texture to add visual appeal.
  • Fresh and Dried Fruits & Nuts – Fresh berries of all kinds add color, texture and flavor. Apple slices, grapes and apricots also add some variety. And don’t forget yummy fresh pineapple. You can also add candied walnuts, pistachios, or a salted combination of nuts for variety.
  • Pickles, Olives, & Dips – Consider both sweet and sour pickles in finger size varieties. A variety of fresh peppers and olives also add a nice touch. Small dishes of mustards and dips can be tucked in among the other goodies for embellishment and additional flavor. Use your imagination, if you like it , chances are that someone else will as well.

Assembling Your Charcuterie Board

  • Let your inner chef come out to play. It’s your board, you can assemble it any way that looks appetizing to you. The best charcuterie boards are topped with an variety of choices that contrast with one another. A delicious meat and cheese board can be put together in essentially any way you like!
  • A good place to begin is with a variety of small bowls filled with different jams/fruits/dips etc. Then Simply arrange the different varieties of meats and cheeses among them. I like to put my fruit on the corners if I am using a square board and then arrange the meats along the sides and cheeses in the middle. It’s all up to you.
  • You can create patterns or use cookie cutters to cut cheese into various shapes and sizes if you feel adventurous. Get your kids involved, they love cutting out the shapes with cookie cutters.
  • Alternate how cheeses are sliced, cubed, or cut, and how meats are piled, rolled, and twisted in different areas of the board for a more visually appealing presentation.

Pre Made Alternatives

The good thing about a charcuterie board is that if you short on time you can always assemble it up to a day in advance and keep it covered and chilled until ready to serve. Dips and spreads should be stored separately in small covered containers until ready to be used.

Once you are done sit back and enjoy your handiwork and get ready for the admiration of your friends and family when they come for your event. Be sure to notice how the food and wine combinations work for future reference. and above all else, Enjoy! Once you make one you will be hooked. A charcuterie board has become one of my favorite go to items for entertaining.

Above all enjoy your wine, food and company. That’s really what it is all about. So go ahead. Release your inner chef (and child). After all, how often do you really get to play with your food? And that’s what this really is , having fun while arranging your board. Enjoy the journey!

Get The Natural Look

Natural Look

Just about everyone always wants to look their best. And for me that includes having Natural-Looking, Glowing Skin Natural Looking skin is all the rage right now, and there’s no doubt that there’s an appeal to this kind of look. Achieving a natural glowing look is the ideal finishing touch for a variety of occasions from stay at home mom to being office-ready. Or go full glam for that date night. 

No matter what effect you are going for, when applied correctly, a natural, glowing makeup look can give you a put-together, revitalized, and effortless appearance. But not to worry, here below I have outlined a few of the tips and tricks you need to get that glowing natural makeup look in a few simple steps. So lets get started. 

How to Achieve that Natural Look

Apply a hydrating primer. Hydrated skin means plump healthy looking skin, so a hydrating primer is the place to start. Starting with a well moisturized face will contribute to your overall glow and provide the base for your masterpiece. I like to use Mary Kay Products but there are an amazing variety of excellent products out there that range from the inexpensive to the pricey. 

Create a Base for your Masterpiece. Choose a good moisturizing foundation with age fighting properties for the best results. Investing in a good foundation will pay off in the long run with smoother more radiant skin. I like to use a color correction cream as my foundation, it evens out the my skin tone, acts as a concealer, and provides lots of moisture. Moisturized skin gives you that radiant shine that catches the light and puts all eyes on you. 

To set your makeup use a big fluffy powder brush and swirl finishing powder onto the forehead, nose, cheeks, and chin. Use a little more if you tend to have oily skin. 

Using a fan brush, Add add some highlight powder to the high points of your face. Cheekbones, bridge of nose, and Cupids bow, anywhere you want to highlight.

Next swirl some peach colored blush on the apples of your cheeks, angled up toward your hairline. This gives a lifting effect.   

Using an angled sculpting brush, apply a bronzer to the hollows in your cheeks. Then apply some of the bronzer under your cheeks and along your forehead for a natural, sun kissed look.

Now Tie your entire Natural Look together with a plump pout. Using a lip liner, trace the outside border of your lips, then add a few swipes of your favorite lip gloss for that sun-kissed look.

Ready to Rock Your World

It may seem like there are a lot of steps to achieve your look, but once you get a routine down it really only takes a few minutes. It also pays to invest in a good set of make up brushes. Store them in a cute cup or small vase on your vanity and they will be right there at your fingertips. I find that once I have my look in place I am ready to face anything the day might bring, and then some. I am a blogger, so a good part of my time is spent in front of a computer. But having my make up on and being ready for the day puts me in the right frame of mind to get started. I just feel better. 

Now that you have achieved your Natural Look, you are ready for a night on the town, that special date night, or just a day being a mom. No matter what your plans are, we have some exciting news for you. You can find all of the beauty supplies needed to create your look at incredible savings. Join this Membership Program to start saving on not only your make up looks but everything else you need in your life as well. The sky is the limit. And not only that, when you refer friends and family, you can earn while you save!. So, what are you waiting for? Get your shop on now. 

We’re thrilled to welcome you to our Online Community System! For more information and to explore our benefits, please don’t hesitate to contact us here. We’re here and ready whenever you are. Simply reach out to us for further details..




Clothing Choices For Women Over 50

For most of us, the clothing choices that we make are deeply personal. I love the jewel colors myself, and seem to gravitate toward those choices. By the time I reached my 50th birthday, I felt like I needed something new to spice up my wardrobe and started venturing out into different colors and styles. The best part of being over 50 is that you can now truly Prioritize Yourself, whether that means concentrating on your work, hobbies, or changing the way you appear. Below, you will find advice on how to rock your look in this decade-marking period and get ready for every event your glamorous 50s and above have in store for you.

Four Top Styling Tips For Women Over 50.

When clothing fits well it accentuates your shape. By the time you are 50 you have you usually have a good understanding of what works and what doesn’t. Look for choices that fit you perfectly to provide comfort, self-assurance, and style. Additionally, if you find something that top or those pants that you simply adore then pick up several of them in a variety of hues. It’s important to feel comfortable and confident in your clothing and when you do it shows.

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