How To Build A Network Marketing Business

Network marketing, also known as multi-level marketing, involves a direct selling model where individuals offer products directly to consumers. Learning the skills on how to build a Network Marketing Business can be difficult and daunting. Many people give up before they achieve success because lets face it, it is not easy. However it is also very rewarding and effective when done right. This blog will discuss methods that will help you build a successful network marketing business. If you are coachable and willing to learn you can succeed.

How to build a network marketing business

Framework You Need To Build a Network Marketing Business


Developing a positive mindset is one of the most important skills that you can learn as a network marketer. Unless you change the way you think about your business, there will be a limit to how much you can earn. One of the most difficult tasks is to let go of your employee mentality and start thinking like an entrepreneur.

Entrepreneurs think differently than employees. An entrepreneur looks for opportunities to improve their business rather than simply following the plan that a boss has laid out for you. An employee is told what to do and avoids work whenever possible. In contrast an entrepreneur designs his own workday and how to proceed in his or her business. They attribute growth and progress to work rather than drudgery. A negative mindset leads to a negative outcome and vice versa a positive outcome leads to a positive outcome.

The entrepreneur must also be able to work hard and have confidence in their own abilities. When you are confident in yourself you will take more action, leading to positive change. If you need help and support then seek it out. First with your company or brand training, your upline or other leaders in your company. Invest in yourself and seek out mentors and gurus in the niche that you are working in. It can make the world of difference in your level of success.

Learn a Skillset

  • One of the skills that you will need to learn is how to find prospects. There are many trainings and instruction available on you tube that give you an idea about how to go about this. Once you master this skill you will never run out of leads.
  • Invite. Once you have found your prospects you need to figure out how to invite them to take a look at your product or opportunity. You can start by engaging with them, building a trust relationship and giving them value.
  • Being able to present your opportunity or products in a way that is understandable and duplicatable. You can often lean on your upline to learn this. If not, seek out mentors or gurus in your niche and study how they present their opportunity and products. Your team members must be able to produce the same results using your methods.
  • Follow up. You must learn to answer questions, overcome objections and keep the conversation going in order to be successful. Sometimes it takes a little while for your prospect to make up their mind about whether they want to purchase your products or join your team. A lot of this is learned by trial and error as you gain experience.
  • Closing: Learning how to help someone who is trying to make the decision to join your opportunity or purchase your products to do just that. without being pushy or a salesy weirdo.
  • Getting people started. Once someone has decided to join your opportunity it is up to you to guide and train them. Whether it involves company training or your own guidelines it should be easy to follow and duplicable among your team.
  • Promotion. Invite prospects to company events, zoom calls, luncheons etc. The more you promote the more successful you will be at recruitment.

Develop Winning Strategies For Your Business.

You need to develop a system withing your team that everyone knows how to do and has success with for acquiring new prospects. This is critical for your success. Once a person has purchased your product you need a system to ensure that they love the product and engage emotionally with it. If you can figure this out you will have it made.

Once you have figured out your system for acquiring customers, you will need to develop one for acquiring team members as well. It needs to be easily duplicatable and transferable for your team to be successful.

Now that you have team members, you need a system in place for training. This is an important system to have set up properly. Your goal is to be able to duplicate yourself, team members that are able to match match or surpass your work ethic.

If you are not willing to change your mindset, learn new skill sets and develop effective strategies, then your business will not change with you and you will not grow. It is all up to you, not your upline or the person who enrolled you. The more effort you put into doing it right the more successful you will be. Above all, enjoy the process and don’t stress out too much. It all takes time and patience. There is no such thing as a network marketing business that will make you money overnight. So get in there and learn, and have fun!

Successful Network Marketing-Habits That Will Help You Succeed.

Learn the habits that lead to successful network marketing . Tried and true methods practiced by the top earners in the industry. Top leaders in network marketing share some habits that help them to succeed. All network marketers face obstacles along the way. Habits are something we do on a routine basis. Well established habits help us have something to fall back on when things go sideways. This blog will take a look at the habits of those leaders and break them down a little bit.

Read More

Successful Network Marketing

There is no doubt about it, readers are leaders. If you don’t like to read, then listen to an audiobook. Increasing your knowledge base is never a bad thing. Listen while you are getting ready in the morning, or while you are in the kitchen cooking. I like to read about successful leaders and their habits. Expand your knowledge and invest in yourself.

Consistently Set Goals

A study done by Harvard showed that 14% of those who set goals were 10 times more successful than those who did not. Network marketing leaders set goals consistently and strive to meet them. And putting those goals into writing gives you an even higher chance of success. Focusing on your goals gives you a sense of direction and purpose.

Evaluating your goals is also an important habit. At the end of the month or week evaluate how successful you are in reaching your goals. What worked, what didn’t work, and what could you do differently? When you have a specific goal to work towards, you are more likely to hit it.

Plan Your Day

When you know what your goals are, you can break down your activities into small steps to reach them. Sitting down and planning out your schedule for the day helps program your brain for action. When you have a schedule, you end up controlling your day rather than your day controlling you. Write down the most critical tasks that need to get done during that day and check them off as you do them. Writing down the have to get done tasks helps you to focus upon your day and plan accordingly. It also leads to a sense of accomplishment as you tick those items off of your to do list as you complete them.

Develop Established Routines

Routines are a set of habits that you do in a certain order. Like your morning or bedtime routines that you do without thinking too much about it. Establishing a routine can help you be more productive and eliminate distractions. Effective routines can be a framework for achieving your goals and lead to successful network marketing. Start with your morning routine and continue throughout the day. Don’t forget to schedule in your breaks and lunch. Your productivity will suffer if you don’t.

Keep A Positive Mindset

Attitude is everything. For successful network marketing, you need to think success. You need to think and act like a successful leader to one and attract the right kind of team members. The way that you look at the world and at yourself is reflected in your thoughts and actions. Listen to podcasts of the network marketers you admire. Read books on a positive mind set. Nurture a positive mindset every day. Once you are able to master the positive mindset you will be amazed how it will impact your business.

Make Sure To Schedule in Exercise and Rest.

Taking the time to take care of your body needs to be a priority in your day. When you are healthy you perform at your best. People who work from home tend to overwork at times. There is no one there to remind you to take a break and rest. So you need to be your own advocate. When you feel good you are more productive. Again, invest in yourself, you only have one body, take care of it.

Be The Leader You Want Others To Be

When you lead by example your actions speak louder than your words. A leader will attract leaders, which is what you want. You want to be able to duplicate yourself in your team members, freeing yourself to be more productive. Don’t ask your team members to do something that you are not willing to do yourself first.

Our habits and routines define us, so we might as well set ourselves up for success. Train your mind to be positive with productive habits and routines and you will be able to achieve whatever you set your mind to. Leadership will come naturally once you have mastered your day and lead by example. I hope you got some value from this blog. And above all- happy network marketing1.

The Network Market Objections Guide

If you are a network marketer, then you have faced your share of network market objections when you are prospecting for new team members. I think that I have heard every excuse in the book, and a few that are not. Overcoming objections to network marketing is a valuable skill that every marketer needs to learn. So lets take a look at a few of the more common objections and ways to overcome them.

Network Market Objections

Network Market Objections
  • I Don’t Have The Time. This is most likely a true statement from your potential team member. They may be a single parent with a full time job. Or taking care of aging parents with little time to themselves. Whatever the problem, it is your job to help them find a solution. Maybe getting up an hour or two earlier, working after the kids or elderly parents are asleep or napping. If you can provide a solution to their time problem many prospects will join you on the spot.
  • No Money To Start. This is a big one. People are afraid. They are fearful that your opportunity is a scam or a waste of their hard earned money. Strategize with them to see if you can help them figure out how to come up with the start up cost. With most companies the costs are minimal to get started. Therefore a simple question like ” So you don’t have $100.00 to invest in yourself and own your own business?” can help open the door to figuring out a way past their fears. Here is where you might share your own fears about getting involved with your business and how you got past it. Be honest. This is someone you will be in a working relationship with and trust is everything.

Additional Objections

  • Who Would I Sell To? I Don’t Know Anyone. Have them take a look at their friends list on Facebook and the number of contacts in their phone. How many people do they know at work and church. Who do they interact with on a regular basis? Dig a little deeper and find out what the real problem is. A lot of people tend to be introverts and need some encouragement to overcome their fear of rejection which is often what they are worried about.
  • I Already Have a Job. Great, but do they LOVE what they do? Do they have the time and financial freedom that comes with a successful network marketing opportunity?. If they love their job then you will probably not be successful in recruiting them into your business. So let them go and move on. Not everyone is cut out to be a business owner. And after all, you want people on your team who are ready to work and be successful, not wishy washy.

Other Excuses and Objections

  • I Am Not Good With Technology. Most people have basic computer skills, and know how to manage the data on their phones well enough. And nowadays, many marketing companies can be operated from a smartphone. You may find yourself teaching your new recruit some basic computer skills, so be patient with them. Make sure they are aware of and participating in your companies training opportunities. If your potential team member knows that you are there for their success, they will more likely want to work with you.
  • It’s A Pyramid Scheme or a Scam. Here is where you need to do your research on the company or business that you are involved with. Unfortunately there are a lot of scams and pyramids out there waiting to take advantage of the unwary. Knowing your companies history and compensation plan goes a long way toward dispelling this concern. It’s up to you to prove your opportunity is not a pyramid scheme or a scam.

Finding Your Ideal Team

Taking the time to learn how to handle network market objections will help you build your dream team. You don’t need extensive knowledge to handle a team. All you need is to be a few steps ahead of them in the process to be a leader. If your team knows that you are there to support them then they will be willing to work hard for you. After all, you make money when they make money, right? Taking the time and opportunity to break down objections to joining your team can give you an idea if this person is someone you will want to have a working relationship with.

I am a network marketer and a blogger. I love what I do and the freedom that it provides. There is no way that I would go back to working a regular “job”. Working for myself is where its at. If you are a self starter who is looking for a work from home networking opportunity then check out this page. You will not be sorry. Above all, keep your head up and keep going. The only way that you will fail for sure is if you don’t put in the effort. Happy recruiting!

Beginners Guide To Network Marketing

This is a beginners Guide to Network Marketing. If you are new to to Network Marketing I then you probably have a lot of questions. I know that I did. I am a retired Nurse Practitioner who practiced at a Veterans Affairs facility. About as far away from a work from home business owner that I could get. Entrepreneurship can be tough, and I had no idea what I was getting myself into. But you can have a successful network marketing business as long as you are coachable, able to follow instructions, and really want it. Today I would like to share what network marketing success is all about and hopefully provide a guide and some insight into how to make your business the best that it can be.


It’s all up to you. You are in control of your mindset, no one else can change it for you. Not the company you are set up with, not your upline, not your spouse or kids. Unless you change your mindset you will not be able to create unlimited income. You have to make the decision to invest in yourself and take advantage of coaching, training and overall support. To be successful you will need to let go of “Employee Thinking” and begin to think like an entrepreneur.

What Does it Take For Success

Your Guide to Mindset:

This requires a different mindset, realizing that work is contribution and achievement, not trudgery. You need to be willing to invest your time and money into something that may not earn you a paycheck right away, realizing that’s what it takes to be successful. If you want to achieve amazing results, it helps to have an obsession about making your business work, providing value and contributing to the betterment of the world. Honest effort and confidence on your part also figure into success. You need to BELIEVE that you will succeed. I know that my business did not start to take off until I developed some confidence in myself. It is difficult to motivate others when you don’t believe in yourself.

Guide to Skills:

The right skill set will take you a long way in your business. One of these skills if finding prospects. There are many strategies available to do this, from company provided leads to prospecting on digital platforms and the intent of this article is not to get into how that is done. You can easily research the topic on you tube or google for some great information. Another skill is being able to invite those prospects to look at your opportunity. The company I am under provides scripts for talking with a prospect which is very helpful, particularly when you are just starting out. To read more about this topic check out this page.

You must be able to present your opportunity so that a prospect can look at all sides of it and understand the impact it can have upon their life. This is a skill that you need to share with your team so that duplication can happen. When they make money, you make money. Follow up is also important. Answering questions, overcoming objections and keeping the conversation flowing is important. Not everyone is ready to buy your product or opportunity when they are first pitched to, be ready to have a follow up process in place so that your prospects do not fall in the cracks.

Learning how to close is another skill that beginners must master. I found it helpful to follow some of the Network Marketing gurus on you tube for closing tips. It’s one of those skills that you need to practice at before mastering. Helping someone decide to buy your product or join your opportunity without being a salesy weirdo takes practice and dedication. Learning how to help your team member get started with the least amount of anxiety and friction is also important. Here you can usually lean heavily upon your companies training and materials. Just the knowledge that you are not going to abandon them to the wolves is important to your new team member. If you can duplicate yourself, then you have it made.

Guide to a Winning Strategy

In order to maximize the network marketing opportunity, you must be able to have systems in place that are able to be duplicated by any member of your team. You need systems in place to acquire customers effortlessly. You also need systems in place for inviting, presentation of your opportunity, follow up and training your new team member. Every member of your team should be aware of scheduled meetings and calls with the expectation of attendance. Once your systems are in place and clear for all team members your recruiting should become automatic. Lean on your mentors and leadership in your company. They should be readily available for you.

In conclusion, if you are new in network marketing you are in for a wild ride. Lean into the process and learn as much as you can about your products and opportunity, including the compensation plan. Above all it takes time to learn the process, there are no get rich fast businesses out there. So hang in there and keep your mind open. And if you are looking for a network marketing business then check out an awesome opportunity here.

Earn Extra Money- Work From Home

Weather you are a stay at home mom or an empty nester, extra money is always welcome. I don’t know anyone who is adverse to extra income. And I will bet that you don’t either. Working from home may be the perfect solutions to your income needs. So lets explore some of the benefits of working from home.

The Benefits of Working From Home and Earning Extra Money

No Commute and fewer expenses: Say goodbye to morning traffic jams and filling up your gas tank once or twice a week Statistics show that the average American spends 54 hours a year stuck in traffic. The time you used to spend on commuting to work can now be funneled into your work from home business. If you have to dress for the office that can get pricey, when you work from home you can wear pretty much what you want. You will also save money and improve your health by no longer eating out for lunch at fast food places.

Work From Anywhere: You are no longer limited by a geographical area. Your office can be located wherever you have a computer and internet access.

Abide Anywhere in the World: You can choose to abide anyplace where you have access to high speed internet. You could even become a vagabond and enjoy life on the road if that is what you have always wanted to do. The sky is the limit.

Decreased Stress: No more stress in morning traffic or trying to be a people pleaser in the office. If you get up and decide to work in you pajamas, there is no one to tell you that it is not appropriate. Work surrounded by your own home and companions. Just be certain to set boundaries with those in your home environment so that you can remain productive.

More Benefits of Earning Extra Money While Working From Home

Increased Productivity: Studies show that the average worker is more productive in a work at home environment. Fewer distractions at the office and the ability to set your own work schedule leads to increased productivity.

Connectivity and Collaboration: Applications and platforms such as ZOOM make it easy to meet and collaborate with team members more efficiently. A large group of individuals can meet at the same time to eliminate the need for multiple meetings with different clients and team mates. A ZOOM call is also another way to help head off any isolation that home based workers might face.

Flexible Schedule: Work when it is convenient for you, not your boss. Take breaks when you need them, not when you are told to. Life happens, and it is nice to be able to take time out of the day to take your kids to the doctor or run errands. Night owls can often be more productive in the wee hours of the morning.

Improve Your Problem Solving Skills: You are more likely to try and work out a problem yourself when you are working from home, leading to an increased sense of accomplishment. Problem solving skills are crucial to being a leader, and any knowledge gained is beneficial for your resume.

Improved Work- Life Balance: When you are trying to maintain both a work life and family life in separate locations it can become chaotic. Working from home allows you to arrange your schedule to accommodate your life. No more scheduling a day away from the office to take care of those important tasks. Stay at home moms can schedule their work days to fit their children’s schedule. A night owl can work later hours than those available while working in a nine to five job. It’s all about balance and the freedom to design your own schedule.

Wrapping it Up

So if you are looking to earn extra money and want to work at home you have come to the right place. Take into consideration the time and investment that comes with setting up your own home based business and then jump right in. If you are interested in a work community based upon Link Post Blogging then check out this page. This is a community that provides all of the training and leadership that you need. You will be set up with a one on one mentor when you get started. So what are you waiting for? You won’t be sorry. And if you are new to Network Marketing you can read more about Network Marketing Success here.

Social Media Hacks For Network Marketers

So you want to use Facebook, Linked In, TikTok, Twitter, Instagram and X to generate sales and add team members, but you are not having success. It can be very frustrating and time consuming. I know, I have been there. Posting my heart out about my awesome products and opportunity and receiving crickets in return. But what if I told you there is a method to the madness that can lead you to success? Well there is. In this article I will be presenting some tips for success on social media. So sit back, get a cup of your favorite hot beverage and get ready to take some notes.

Tips To Improve Engagement on Your Social Media Posts.

  • Engage in all comments that people leave on your posts. Facebook, Instagram and other social media platforms value a comment more than a Like or a Heart. Engaging with those that leave a comment on your posts will place you higher in the algorithm ranks. Social Media platforms rely upon the comments to show them that your content provides value. Respond to their comments, answer any questions and ask questions yourself. That’s a great way to keep the momentum going and generate more comments.
  • If you are posting on Linked In, make sure that you keep your sentences short. Add three to five short sentences and then add a see more link. The more people that click on see more, the more engagement you get and the higher that chance that your content will go viral. Linked In recognizes that your content is valuable and encourages them to show it to more people.
  • Don’t forget to be social. If all that you are doing is posting about your products and opportunity people will run the other way when they see your content. Follow the 80/20 rule for social media. Eighty percent of your content should be about you, what you are into, family, events, etc. Share inspiring quotes, pictures of your family event or your pets. You will get more engagement and comments, it is Social media after all. Then when you engage with the comments that you get on your posts it gives your content more authority and will boost your profile. Then when you post about your products or opportunity you will get much more engagement.

More Social Media Posting Tips for The Network Marketer

  • Make sure to use Face Book and Instagram Stories. Stories get a lot of engagement. Share a story several times per day if you can. Encourage people to “swipe up” on your stories for more engagement and comments. Do multiple updates to your stories throughout the day to encourage more engagement and comments.
  • Cross File all of your social media profiles. You are on multiple profiles, take advantage of the ability to share your content across them. Tell your Twitter fans to follow you on Face Book and vice versa. This makes all of your profiles more popular. So when you post new content to promote your business more people will see it. By cross promoting you are increasing the chance that your fans will actually see your content.
  • Use Exit Pop Ups. Most people hate them, including myself, but they are one of the most converting methods that you can use on social media. It gives your content that last ditch effort for engagement and spontaneous sales. With the pop up you can ask them to follow you on your other social media platforms. You can use Hello Bar ,com , a free tool for pop ups that will help you get more engagement with your content.
  • Use Video. Social Platforms love videos and it is a great way to stop people from scrolling right past your content. Video gives the social media platform more eyeballs than television or streaming platforms. You can promote your products and opportunity in your videos but don’t forget to also provide value to your consumer. For example, make a video outlining tips for engaging more viewers on social media. Or make a video providing a solution for gaining more leads on social media. You get the idea. Just rip the band aid off and get started. You may be nervous and terrible to begin with, but like everything else it is a skill and you will get better with time.

In Conclusion

I hope you learned something from this article. Go out there and post your hearts out with these tips in mind. Remember to keep it social and engage with your audience. The more you practice these principals the more engagement you will get and then it off to the races. Happy posting! If you would like to learn more about Network Marketing Success, check out this page.

Network Marketing Success

Lets take a look at Network Marketing Success Strategies. If you are reading this blog then you are probably interested in Network Marketing. You may have just begun your journey into Network Marketing or you might be a pro. Regardless of where you are in your journey, lets explore some ways to make your business a success.

Network Marketing

Remember Network Marketing is a Process

Take the time to learn about your companies products and services. You cannot promote what you don’t understand. Take a look at the training process and follow it in the order that it is presented. Remember, you are learning as you are earning. Be persistent and don’t get frustrated.

Work on Improving Yourself

You will need to work as hard on yourself as on your business. If you want to make more, you have to be more and provide value to your customers and team members. Become the best version of yourself that you can be. Work towards being a top level communicator and problem solver for your team. Take the time to listen to motivating mentors and self help gurus. Your attitude is everything. Successful people do what unsuccessful people are unwilling to do. Ask yourself if you would hire you for a position in your company. If not, then go to work to be the person you would be proud to represent.

Treat Your Network Marketing Business as a Job

Statistics show that it takes about 90 days to figure out what you have gotten yourself into once you join a Network Marketing Company. And it take about a year to fully understand the basics of network marketing. From there you move on to getting good at the basics and eventually you are able to excel. Don’t get frustrated. Remember, every network marketer was new to the process at one time and had to learn the ropes. Keep a schedule and work as hard at your business as you would a regular 9-5 job.

Master Your Emotions

You are going to want to quit several times a day. It’s going to be an emotional rollercoaster running everywhere from excitement to exhaustion and frustration. You will doubt yourself, can I really do this? Everyone who starts a network marketing company goes through this process. Remember, you are growing both personally and professionally. Give yourself some slack. Try to recognize the personal growth that occurs when things are not going well. Everything can become a learning process. Ask yourself what is one thing that worked and one thing that didn’t work?

Fully Immerse Yourself in The System

Be sure to participate in company training and conference calls. Many companies provide back office training, weekly calls and group team meetings on Zoom. Keep your team members plugged into the system as well. That way they are not totally dependent upon you. If you can duplicate yourself in one of your team members it will free up a lot of your time and effort.

Associate Yourself With Success

We all become who we hang around for very long. It’s our nature to want to be like each other. If you hang around successful people you will be successful. Associate with driven, uplifting people. Books, audio recordings and social media gurus are also great for your personal development.

Do not Compare Yourself to Other People

No 2 of us are the same. You do not know the circumstances of background of other members of your company who are more successful than you are. Often it is simply that they have been at it longer than you. Comparing yourself to others will just end in frustration. We all have our own journey. As long as you are persistent and focused you will succeed. Follow the system and stay the course.

I hope you got some value from this article. Above all enjoy the process and learn from your mistakes. If you are looking for a network marketing company that provides all of the training you need as well as leads for team members, then you can check it out here. And to read about the basics of Successful Network Marketers click here.

The Secret to Limitless Prospects in Network Marketing

Are you a Network Marketer looking for new product and customer leads? Well I feel your anxiety and frustration. Coming up with new leads for your Network Marketing Business can be tough. But it doesn’t have to be. In this article I will talk a little bit about how to gain unlimited leads for your products and teams. Below are five steps to create an environment where the leads will come to you, and you will make some great friends along the way.

Network Marketer

Create an active candidate list. List everyone that you know. Yes, even the people you do not particularly get along with or like. You never know who is looking for a Network Marketer Opportunity.

Really think about this. You probably know more people than you realize. Even those aunts uncles and cousins that you hardly ever see. Who cuts your hair or drives your children to school. Most people live in a bubble and do not realize how many people that they really know. When you dig down deep the list will actually amaze you.

Constantly Expand Your List. Look for People You Would Like to Work With in Your Network Marketer Business.

Think about who you meet and connect with on a regular basis. The mailman, your kids teacher, the cashier at your local grocery store. Try to add two or more people to your list daily. Your job is not to try and prospect them immediately however. You need to learn how to become a professional friend maker, building confidence and trust. Once you build a basic relationship with people you may find an appropriate time to approach them with your product or opportunity. No one wants some spammy weirdo chasing after them with your opportunity before they get to know you.

Raise Your Sense of Awareness

Look at the relationships that you have with people in your life. Learn to recognize people that you can create connections with. Social Media is a great resource for you here. Comment on potential prospects posts, make suggestions and provide value to their feed. They will remember you. Become one of those people that others want to follow. Before you know it people will be coming to you. If you actively look for ways to connect with like minded people you will be amazed at number of people to interact with.

Don’t Pre Judge

This one is hard. It is not our place to assume whether someone has enough income to purchase your products or join your Network Marketer Company. The opposite is also true. Just because someone seems to have it all does not mean that they are not looking for a new opportunity. Empty nesters might be looking to supplement their income or stay at home moms a way to help out with family expenses. Your job is to build a relationship with people and figure out the right time to present your products or opportunity. If they say no, it’s no big deal, keep loving on them and they may come around in the future.

Network On Purpose

This takes some time and effort but is worth the work that you put into it. Expand your horizons, volunteer for charities. What kind of hobbies are you into? Find others who enjoy the same thing. Engage in social groups at church, in the community and on social media. Invest into others and they will view you as a person who adds value in their lives. This helps build up know like a trust which is crucial when it comes to a working relationship. Remember, you don’t want just anyone joining your team. You want people who you know something about and trust will work just as hard as you do.

When it comes to adding new customers and leads into you Network Marketer Business, a little bit of hard work can go a long way. The more effort you put into building know like and trust in relationships, the more quality candidates that you will have to choose from. It’s really not much of a secret after all. Once you learn how to attract the right people, you will have all of the leads that you can handle. And wouldn’t that be nice? To learn more about the basics of Network Marketing success check out The Beginners Guide to NW marketing, and Network Marketing Success.

Grass-Fed Beef Tallow. Benefits For Your Skin.

Feel good in your own skin with natural Grass-Fed Tallow based Purely. We all want to look our best, and the current movement in skin care is trending toward the natural based approach. The benefits of natural grass-fed tallow on the skin are numerous. After all, who wants to put a bunch of chemicals that no one can pronounce on their skin? Particularly on your face. Well this is where this product shines. A natural gold tallow based formula made right here in the United States on a farm in Wyoming. Read on to discover the benefits of this remarkable skin care product. This all natural formula nourishes your skin while helping you to achieve a youthful, wrinkle free complexion.

Grass-fed beef tallow

What is Grass-Fed Beef Tallow?

Beef tallow is made by rendering beef fat, or suet. You know those seed filled suet blocks that you put out in the winter for the birds. They are also made from suet. But unlike suet blocks made for birds, the suet that is rendered for this remarkable cream comes from only restoratively ranched grass fed cows. Tallow from grass fed beef is far superior to that from grain fed cows in following ways.

  • Grass- Fed beef has a whopping 5 times more anti-inflammatory omega 2 fatty acids than that of grain-fed cows.
  • Increased amounts of CLA, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, and Vitamin E
  • Grass-Fed beef also has higher amounts of Vitamin K and omega-3 fatty acids.

Benefits of Grass-Fed Beef Tallow for Skin Care

  • Grass-Fed Beef Tallow has the same PH profile as human skin, so it absorbs easily and provides deep nourishment.
  • Great for reducing the inflammatory processes of acne and rosacea. Promotes skin healing and even skin tone.
  • The Vitamin and Mineral Profile of grass-fed beef tallow plumps your skin and can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Does not clog pores, suitable for all skin types, including acne-prone skin.
  • Promotes cell turn over and protects from sun exposure with a natural SPF of 10.
  • Collagen and Elastin provide structure and elasticity to the skin, helping to maintain firmness and reduce wrinkles and saggy skin.
  • No toxins, phthalates, microplastics or artificial chemicals you cant pronounce

Suggestions for Use

  • Daily Moisturizer: Use as a base moisturizer before applying foundation and as a night time moisturizer.
  • Special Treatments: Great for use on dehydrated flaky skin, skin conditions like eczema or after skin procedures.
  • Natural Beef Tallow has been used for 1000’s of years to sooth, heal and revitalize human skin.

Sourcing and Sustainability

Carter Country Meats uses sustainable farming methods to raise their beef. Methods such as Restorative and Regenerative Ranching allows the beef to feed on natural grass. Once a field has been grazed, it is allowed to completely regenerate and grow. In this way a field is not over grazed resulting in nutrient dense grass for the cows to feed on. This in turn affects the nutrient density of the beef that is raised and in turn the tallow that is rendered in nutrient packed as well. Regenerative agriculture is making a positive impact on soil and ecosystem health as companies dedicate millions of acres to this approach.

The Best Tasting Beef

If you are interested in Natural Nutrient Dense Beef Tallow then you might also like to try some of the beef that the tallow is obtained from. This is high quality Nutrient Dense Beef. The taste of grass fed beef when compared to grain fed is far superior as is the nutrient value. If you want to taste the best beef of your life then you need to check out their website HERE.

There is no going back once you have tried this beef, and it is delivered straight to your door. No more going out to the big box stores only to buy beef that is inferior in both taste and nutrient value. Nourish your health as well as your skin with this grass-fed beef source and your family will thank you.

We’re thrilled to welcome you to our Online Community System! For more information and to explore our benefits, please don’t hesitate to contact us here. We’re here and ready whenever you are. Simply reach out to us for further details.

Nurses, Unsung Heroes. A Look Into The World of Nursing

The largest portion of all healthcare professionals are nurses, with RN’s, and LPN’s numbering about 42 million in the United States alone. Even so, there is currently a shortage of these talented professional nurses, particularly in the hospital setting. Additionally, there are over three hundred thousand nurse practitioners practicing in the United States. this blog page will take a look at nurses and their roles in health care.


In the Beginning, the Evolution of Nurses

Nurses were first recognized a professional healthcare workers beginning in the mid 19th century. Many historians credit Florence Nightingale as the founder of modern nursing. In the past, there were objections to the concept of women caring for unfamiliar individuals. The current thinking at the time was that it wasn’t proper for women to care for someone that they did not know. However, Nightingale viewed nursing as an exceptional opportunity for women. She believed that they could apply their education and scientific expertise to enhance patient care while attaining personal autonomy. And she was right.

It was during the American Civil War that women, many of whom were the wives or mistresses of soldiers provided nursing care to sick troops as they followed the armies. Pneumonia, typhoid, dysentery and malaria were the most common illnesses. The soldiers were prone to illnesses due to a poor diet and less that ideal hygiene among the troops. These impromptu nurses provided care to those soldiers with whatever skills and supplies they were able to bring to the table, with many using herbal medicines and treatments.

Current Roles and Responsibilities

Nursing has come a long way since the 1800’s, with technology leading the way into the future. Listed below are just a few of the roles and responsibilities of the modern nurse.

  • Caregiver: The role of the care provider is to support a patients’ physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual needs. This involves preventing illness, promoting independence, and encouraging well-being.
  • Medication Administration: Nurses must have a comprehensive knowledge about different medications, their side effects, and dosage calculations. Additionally, they need to monitor patients for any adverse reactions. Communication skills with the healthcare team are vital here.
  • Building Trust and Establishing Positive Relationships: It is crucial to understand their patients’ needs and emotions in order to provide a higher quality of care.
  • Diagnosis and Monitoring: Nurses rely on practical nursing theory to effectively diagnose and monitor patients, understanding health experiences from the patient’s perspective. RN’s and LPN’s must have a basic understanding of the underlying diagnosis to effectively care and advocate for a patient.
  • Collaboration: By collaborating with other professionals, nurses aim to improve patient comfort and help families understand and adapt. It’s no fun to be sick and nurses are often the central figure in coordinating patient care, making a patients health care journey a little easier.
  • Research: Nurses can also lead research projects that result in clinical changes and better patient outcomes.

Impact on Healthcare


The role of nurses is crucial in determining positive patient outcomes. They have the ability to impact a patient’s sense of being respected and well-cared for during their treatment. Nurses are also adept at showing empathy towards patients and addressing their physical needs while providing emotional support.

A nurse is able to offer comfort and assistance to patients and their families during their recovery from illness or injury. They are also able to help a patient manage chronic illnesses and disabilities. Nursing enables you to make a positive difference in people’s lives by helping them feel better about themselves, which is an immensely rewarding aspect of this profession

Challenges Faced by Nurses

  • Heavy Workloads and Stress: Long shifts with few breaks take a heavy toll. High stress with emotional and physical demands play a key role burnout. Particularly with the current shortage of nursing professionals.
  • Workplace Hazards: Chronic exposure to illnesses, infectious diseases and injuries on the job. The nurse is also frequently exposed to difficult patients and families, requiring good communication skills.
  • Underappreciation and Misconceptions: Nurses are often not appreciated for their hard work and dedication

Innovations and Future Trends in Nursing

  • Technological Advances: Technology is advancing almost faster than healthcare can keep up. There are constantly new digital tools developed with the aim at improving patient care. Telehealth has also come a long way, enabling patients in rural areas access to nursing care.
  • Policy and Advocacy: Nursing policies are under constant review with the safety of patients a priority. Nurses are also an advocate for their patient, keeping the patients’ best interest in the forefront.
  • Future Outlook: One of the impacts of covid 19 was the realization of the importance of nurses in today’s healthcare. More colleges and universities are opening nursing programs in an effort to ease the current shortage. As our population ages, more nurse practitioners are needed as well to provide care along side of physicians.

I am a retired nurse practitioner. I moved to Tennessee in 1989 from Washington State after a divorce with my two young children. Once in Tennessee, I had no idea how I was going to be able to support myself. I had been in the food industry in Washington, but was not able to find work in Tennessee. One of my uncles suggested that I go to college to become a nurse. I remember thinking that I could never do that, it seemed too big of a leap for me.

But after looking into it, I took a leap of faith and enrolled in Nursing School. It took me four and one half years to earn my Bachelor of Science in Nursing. I was sure proud of that degree. After working on a busy medical surgical floor for several years, I realized that I wanted a more pro active role as a nurse. And so I went back to school again and earned my masters degree in nursing. I love the nurse practitioner role, figuring out and writing the plan of care rather than following it as a floor nurse. I love the relationship that I developed with my patients. Unfortunately I had to retire early due to an illness, but I will always treasure the stories that I have of some of my more memorable patients.

I have written a book The Heart of Nursing. It is a compilation of stories of some of the patients that I will never forget. If you would like to read it you can get your copy HERE.